|2| New Routine

91 5 0

*Warnings: None*


Y/n was woken from her peaceful sleep by a smiling brunette. "Marcel..." she groaned as she pushed his face away and turned over, wrapping her blanket around her body more.

"It's nine, we have that meeting at twelve," he told her as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Y/n huffed in response, "yeah, at twelve." Marcel sighed and sat at the edge of her bed.

"What time should I come back?" he asked as she turned back to face him. Her hair sprawled all over the place. It wasn't the best look, but Marcel knew everyone looked terrible in the morning. It was inevitable.

"We are getting up at ten," she told him and he nodded, taking a moment to process what she had said.

He sent her a confused look, "we?" Y/n opened the blankets for him to join her. He looked to the door and back at her. "What if someone comes in?"

"Lock it," she told him. He quickly walked over and flicked the lock on the door. "Take your shoes off too."

Marcel obliged, "well obviously." Y/n chuckled and held out her arms for him to lay into. She wrapped both her arms around his neck, his arms hugging around her waist. They faced each other, taking in the others appearance. Marcel thought she had an odd beauty. She wasn't conventionally attractive, but that's what made it better. Marcel on the other hand was the classic good looking guy. "We should do this more often, it's nice." He said with a small smile.

"It is, I don't feel so alone anymore," Y/n stated. "And I suppose I sort of like your company."

Marcel rolled his eyes. "Wow, what a way with words," he said sarcastically, Y/n laughed, shuffling her warm body closer to the cold uniform he was wearing. The moment was nothing more than sweet, young love. A love the flourished in harsh environments, when one person desperately needed the other. Whether it was for their own selfish need for positive attention, or a real love, it didn't matter. They were there together, just two lonely kids.

Marcel passed out pretty quickly, but Y/n never ended up getting back to sleep. Her eyes shifted from the clock in her small room, to the young boy who made the room light up just by glancing in its direction. Ten came around but Marcel looked much too comfortable to be woken, so she left it for eleven.

She didn't sleep the next hour either, but that just gave her more time to study Marcels face. She played with the collar of his uniform, brushed through his hair with her fingers, counted every stray freckle or blemish he had on his face. By eleven, she knew every inch of his face that she could've recited it back to him blindfolded in the form of poetry.

"Marcel..." she whispered to his sleeping face. "Time to get up." He didn't answer, he didn't even move. She started gently rubbing the sides of his face, applying the slightest bit of pressure. "Marcel~" she said in a sort of singing tune. The smallest hint of a smirk etched on his face. He was awake, he was just messing with her. She let out a large fake sigh, "looks like I'm getting up on my own." She sat up in bed, facing away from him and just before she was going to put her feet on the ground, she was snatched back. Her back collided with Marcel's chest, his eyes still shut tight as he snuggled into her more.

"Its only ten, we'll just stay in until eleven," he suggested and Y/n sighed.

"I already gave you another hour, it is eleven," she told him and he shrugged, opening his eyes slightly.

"Eleven-thirty..." he yawned, giving her a small smile. She rolled her eyes as she turned her body to face him, like they were before. He wrapped his arms around her waist again, this time pulling her on top on him. Her chin rested on her hands which we're placed on Marcel's chest. They stared at each other for a while in a comfortable silence. "Can I kiss you?"

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