|33| First Kiss

42 4 2

*Warnings: Language, Violence*


Y/n looked around but she couldn't find Gabi or Reiner, so she headed for the next best thing, The Scouts. "We can use him, feed him to one of our guys who Zeke transformed," Jean said as Y/n flew overhead snatched Falco from his lose grasp and landed behind Mikasa and Armin.

"Yeah no, we wont be doing that," Y/n said. "Falco is mine, any of you try and sacrifice him, I will kill you."

"I'm sorry Y/n," Connie said. "But I was just about to say that we take him to my mother, in Ragako. So- hand him over." Y/n shook her head, holding him tighter to her.

"Hold on, Zeke mentioned he was one of the Warrior Candidates, he's like a little brother to half of them. If we kill him, that will give them more of a reason to keep coming after us, and we get nothing out of it."

"What? You think bringing back my mother is nothing?" Connie exclaimed.

"That's not what I-" Armin muttered.

"I've had to watch her lay in the ruins of my home for four years! Do you know what that's like!? You ate Bertholdt! That's why you're still here right! My mother can be here too!" Connie shouted as a titan came rushing for them.

They all moved out of the way, Y/n got shoved more than moved, causing her to drop Falco. Connie came rushing for him, snatching him up and flying off with him. "Falco! No!" Y/n cried, rushing after him.

Though there were too many titans around for her to actually keep going before Armin pulled her back by her arm. "Don't! It's too dangerous!"

"Let go of me, Armin! I have to save Falco!" she shouted back at him.

"We need to get rid of all these titans first! If we don't, they'll just follow us, going now is a death sentence! Please, we will go save him, just not right now," Armin told her, letting go of her arm.

"Promise?" she asked him.

"I promise," he nodded. "Now lets go!"

By the end of it, all the titans were slaughtered, Y/n killing a few of them herself despite the fact she hadn't done it for about four years. Armin, Mikasa and Y/n had left too meet up with Niccolo, Sasha's father and a few other survivors. When they got to where they were hiding, Y/n saw Gabi. She rushed over and embraced her tightly. "Oh Gabi, you're okay..." Gabi hugged her back with a small smile.

"Where's Falco?! I promise you will never hear from either of us again, I will leave, but I cannot leave without him!" Gabi shouted. Armin quickly explained the situation. Gabi cried as she mentioned something about Reiner.

"Wait? What about Reiner?" Armin asked her.

"He said his titan hardening undid itself when the falls fell, like it just stop working," she explained.

"So, that means Eren undid all titan harden inside the walls too, not just the walls," Armin said. "That means..."

Y/n's eyes went wide, "Annie...We have to go back for her!" Y/n shouted as she was about to run out, back to HQ.

"Y/n! You can only save one person at a time," Armin told her. "We will find her, but for now we need to find Falco."

A little while later Y/n began getting the horses ready while Armin talked to Mikasa about something. Once Armin was finished his talk, Gabi came back from Sasha's family. "So, who do you wanna ride with?" Y/n asked Gabi.

"Not either of you, you'll slow me down, I like to ride at my own pace," Gabi said as she got onto a horse and began slowly riding off. Y/n glanced to Armin, he was thinking the same thing, this might be an awkward ride.

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