|32| The Rumbling

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*Warnings: Language, Violence, Death*


Y/n was separated with the others and put in a room with Gabi, who wasn't really the happiest with her. "I still cant believe you would betray us that like," Gabi said.

"Marley never did any good for me anyway, and my brother's a Warrior anyway, so it's not like I'm needed there," Y/n told her.

"What does this island have that Marley doesn't?" Gabi asked.

"Armin," Y/n answered. She was debating on making something else up, but she didn't see the point.

"So what? You'd betray a country for that guy?" Gabi pestered.

"I'd do more than that Gabi, I'd burn the world down if it meant protecting him," Y/n answered with a sigh. "But, there are other people in that world that I care about, so I'd have to protect them too. That includes you."

"Why haven't they killed me yet?" Gabi asked again.

"Because they're good people," Y/n told her. "And I know we've been told terrible things about them as we were growing up, but they're not true."

Suddenly Eren came through the door unannounced. "Brat-who-killed-Sasha, come with me."

"She has a name," Y/n said.

"And I have a name too, anyway, I need your help to send a distress signal to any of those who have infiltrated the walls," Eren demanded, though just as Y/n was about to make a move on him, a familiar Warrior killed the guy next to him and held a gun to his head.

"Don't say anything Gabi," Pieck told her. "Y/n, rifle."

Y/n nodded, standing up and pointing the rifle at Eren. Instead of killing him, Pieck made a deal with him, he'd kill the Marleyan's and get their families out of the internment zone. He'd only go through it with though if Pieck showed him where the rest of the infiltrating Marleyan's are. She told him she needed to be taken up to the roof, which Eren obliged. Gabi wasn't very happy to hear Pieck switching sides. Y/n had no idea what side she was on. She will fight for the Warriors, she will fight for The Scouts, but if she continues with Pieck and Eren, is she a Jaegerist?

Eren got the to the roof, Pieck was cuffed to Gabi and Y/n had both her hands cuffed in front of her. She followed Pieck to the edge, trusting she knew what she was doing. Pieck pointed to the enemy, thought they weren't out in Shinganshina, she was pointing at Eren. Suddenly, The Jaw shot from the ground, biting a chunk of Eren. Though Eren wasn't just going to let this slide, he transformed.

Pieck jumped to transform, taking Y/n with her. "You're a traitor Y/n, I'm sorry!" she shouted as she dropped her to the ground.

"Fair enough Pieck!" she shouted back to her as she plummeted to the ground. Just before she hit the ground, Eren jumped from the roof beside her, catching her and putting her on a rooftop. She glanced at her briefly and nodded, then ran off. "Holy shit! You do care! Wait- how am I supposed to get off this roof?" Just as she said that some Jaegerist fell dead from the sky with perfectly functional ODM gear. "Wow, the gods love me today, maybe they feel bad about my eye."

She stripped the guy of his ODM gear, then put it on, which took a lot longer than it seems, especially since she hasn't done it by herself since she was sixteen and the gear has changed. After a long time of struggling, she got them strapped on and flew off. Y/n turned to see Zeke standing atop the wall, while Eren was limping towards him slowly.

No ones stopping him, looks like I might have to try.

Y/n shot off from her position and towards Eren. She flew through the sky, Marleyan soldiers shooting at her, though they all missed since she was able to use her ability to ricochet it back to them. She made it to the rooftop just in front of Eren. "Eren! I know you can hear me! Don't do this! It isn't worth it! Zeke will probably just betray you anyway! I know you just want to save the Eldian people, but this isn't the way!" He limped past her, paying no mind to her shouting but she knew he could hear her.

"Look! I'm sorry Bertholdt broke through the wall that day! I'm sorry your mother died! I'm sorry Hannes died! I'm sorry you were betrayed! You probably don't give two shits what I'm sorry for, but I can tell you for sure, Zeke isn't sorry!" He still didn't pay any attention to her, so she got closer, right on his shoulder.

"Turn around, Eren," she spoke into his ear. "I know what you want, freedom. I've been wanting that for a long time too, but please this isn't the way. This will just create a loop that will never end. Even if you cause the rumbling, some day in the future, whatever created the first titan will do it again. There is no freedom in this, but there is freedom in your friends. Look that them, look at me. I can see it in their eyes, they're all you need. Not mass genocide, not stopping the Eldian race, not Zeke, you need us, your friends. So please turn around! Mikasa and Armin are waiting for you..."

She jumped off his shoulder and back onto the roof tops. He didn't turn around..."God fucking damn it Eren!"

Just stayed there for a while, watching out just in case a particular brunette kid decided to get involved. Suddenly, as Zeke was about to scream Colt, Gabi and Falco ran over. Shit that's right, Falco got Zeke spinal fluid in his mouth...

Colt begged for Zeke to hold it off a little longer, but Zeke knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't risk losing Eren when they were that close to their victory. So he screamed. Colt was incinerated and Gabi luckily made it out alive. Y/n would've gone down there, but she was too busy watching Falco try to eat Reiner in terror.

But a human figure walked out of the smoke from behind them, it was Porco. Their eyes met as Falco rushed towards him. "Say hello to Marcel for me man!" she shouted to him.

As he spoke his last words, those of which Y/n could not hear, he gave her a nod. Falco snatched him into his mouth and ate him. I think I'm a little sad, and I never really liked Porco that much. I guess when it comes to it, everything's a little sad. Zeke just wants to have a relationship with his brother, I heard about his terrible upbringing. I used to listen into him and Mr Salva's conversation sometimes when I was younger, I don't remember much but he just wanted a family, and to end Eldian civilisation but that's not the point. He just needs a good talk and some soup, and maybe a lobotomy.

Eren then used his hardening to trap The Armoured Titan. He rolled out of the nape and ran for Zeke. Shit, he isn't dead is he? Y/n was about to jump off the rooftop to stop him, but someone fired a shot at him, blowing his head off. "Gabi!" Y/n shouted. "What the fuck are you doing!?"

Before Gabi could answer, it happened. A large blueish white worm materialised from out of nowhere and attached itself to Eren's head. Y/n's nose started to bleed, but a lot more than it had before. Her head started to ache, like a piercing headache right at the back. It sounded like someone was screaming inside her head. But that's when she saw it in her head, right back in what she thought was her imagination. That sad little girl she told Mikasa about, and the monster behind her. But neither of them were her. The monster was a middle aged man with a lavish outfit and a crown on his head, the girl had light coloured hair and no eyes, but she only saw it for a few seconds until it disappeared, though the screaming was still echoing. She felt like her head was about to explode, there was so much pressure building up inside it.

Though suddenly it stopped, and she was no longer sitting on a rooftop, but on sand with deep blue sky all around her. "Subjects of Ymir," Eren's voice rung through her head, though once it stopped, she was back on the rooftop. "My name is Eren Jaeger," he spoke again, and Y/n returned to that sandy blue place. "And I am addressing my fellow Eldian's. I am speaking to you with the power of the founder. All the walls on the island of Paradis have crumbled to the ground, the titans that were buried within have begun their march. My only goal is to protect the lives of the people of Paradis, the island where I was born. The titans will not stop their march until every bit of life beyond our island is trampled flat, and the people of Paradis are all that remains of humanity."



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