|25| Zeke's Tea Party

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*Warnings: Language*


As the train came to a stop everyone eagerly piled out, waiting to be let into town to see their families. Melvin went ahead since their dad wouldn't be waiting with the others, he was sick, very sick. Melvin tried to help him, but his ability doesn't heal sickness, only wounds.

Y/n followed behind Falco and Gabi, Falco stating that he was going to get right back into training. "Hey, you gotta take a break," Y/n told him. "Too much training and it'll become a chore, plus you can't do it on you're own. I'll sort something out and I'll come with you, I've got nothing to do during the break anyway."

"Are you sure?" Falco asked.

"Yeah well, if you really wanna do what you're trying to do, I'll help," she answered in a hush tone. "I know Reiner's a bit harsh, but trust me, he understands. I wouldn't talk to him about it too much though, he's a bit...different sometimes." Falco nodded as they kept walking. Him and Colt met with their parents, Y/n greeting them also, but Falco strayed from the group and towards a line of men against one of the building walls.

"Falco, where are you going?" Y/n asked as she followed behind him.

"Mr Koslow, what's wrong with these soldiers?" Falco asked as he approached the dark haired, slightly overweight man.

"Stay out of the way you nosey brat," he snapped back. "This is a sorry bunch of Eldian's with mental trauma."

"It happened to our guys too?" Falco asked again as Y/n put a hand on his right shoulder, letting him know she was there.

"It's from all that fighting on the front lines," Mr Koslow answered, "all surrounded by bombs and bullets. In their heads, these guys are still in the trenches." The man then made a loud whistling noise, "KABOOM!" he finished with a laugh. All the soldiers fell to the ground with a shriek, holding their heads in fear.

"God damn it," Y/n huffed under her breath as the men around them laughed. Who finds enjoyment in doing this to people? I swear, some guys are just assholes. Falco walked over to a blonde man and put a hand on his back, letting him know it was going to be alright. Y/n headed for a brunette man with a missing leg and long hair.

"Sorry man," she said as she leant down to him. "Ignore that guy, he's an asshole, most Marleyan's are but don't tell anyone I said that. Also, you got your armband on wrong, let me fix that before any of those guys see it." She began fixing his armband and helped him up. As she handed him his crutch, she saw his face. His eyes were a blueish green colour, they looked so familiar to her, but she didn't know where she's seen it before. She was going to ask, but she thought it would've been a bad time. "Hey, you try and have a good rest of your day man, ignore those mouth-breathers." Falco said goodbye to the man also and the both of them walked off.


Y/n started to make her way back home, the sun beginning to set. She knocked on the front door three times and waited for Melvin to let her in. He came a few moments later, oven mitts on and let her inside. "Cooking dinner?" she asked him.

"Just finished it actually," he told her with a smile. "Dad's at the table already."

Y/n nodded, putting down her stuff and sat down across from her clearly weak father. "Hey dad," she said with a smile. He glared at her and sighed. Ever since he got sick, he started hating her again for whatever reason. Y/n never argued with it, since she knew it was just because he was sick and when he gets better he'll go back to normal, hopefully.

There was a thick awkward tension in the air as Melvin sat down. He began talking to the sick old man, who graciously had a conversation with him. As soon as Y/n said anything he'd sigh and stop talking, or if Melvin brought her up, he's change the subject or ignore him until he said something else.

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