|1| You're Twelve, You Shouldn't Feel Like A Burden

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*Warnings: Some angst and violence*


It was an average day for the Marleyan's and Eldian's. Well, not all of them. The pre-teens in the Warrior Unit were looking forwards to something that would define the rest of there lives. Today was the day they were to be given their Titans. Though for the L/n Twins, this wasn't the case. Melvin and Y/n both possessed the power of The Fate. They're future was decided when they came out of the womb.

Though, compared to the rest of their family, these two were particularly special, both of them baring more than just one power. No one knew why, maybe it was the magic of twins? Either way, it just meant they were much more valuable than the average user.

Melvin could heal himself and others almost instantly, he couldn't feel any sort of physical pain and had enhanced strength, endurance and stamina. His powers weren't very taxing on the body obviously, and he could use them almost as much as he wanted without getting tired.

Y/n on the other hand had to build her tolerance to hers, almost as if they were a disease she had to build an immunity to. She could move and manipulate things with her mind, along with this she could burn/freeze things, though those were easier to do by touch rather than with her mind. Along with these, she had enhanced abilities like her brother. Having enhanced flexibility and agility. But control over these things weren't easy. She wore gloves around everywhere to stop herself from accidentally burning down a building or killing someone.

Everyone seemed to favour her brother rather than her. Which was understandable from an outside perspective. Of course no one would want to be around the girl who could kill you with a glance. Everyone would much rather be around the boy who could heal you with a single touch, and protect you from every foe that came your way. Everybody loved him, but considering he was still Eldian, he was still a "Filthy Devil" by Marleyan standard, just a little less than his sister was.

So there they sat at the back of Magath's office while the rest of the eager children of the Warrior Unit  stood in front of them, awaiting there Titans. "One person is going to be left out," Bertholdt stated almost nervously. Bertholdt was an unusually tall boy with short black hair, pale green eyes and a slender figure.

"Yeah, and it wont be me," scoffed Porco, a boy with light honey brown hair and a massive ego. He was obnoxious, constantly annoyed about something, and above all, he was rude.

"We don't know that yet," Reiner added in a quiet mutter. Reiner was stocky, with a wide jaw and blonde short hair. Porco always gave him trouble since he was at the bottom of the class. Reiner was a sweetheart despite all of it, well not to Porco, but to everyone else. He was determined to be the best he could be, he just learned a little slowly than everyone else and Porco saw that as a weakness he could pick on.

"Got something to say, Braun?" Porco scoffed as he gave Reiner a dirty glance.

"Lay off, Porco." Melvin got up from his chair next to Y/n and quickly walked over to him. Melvin always had a dumb smile on his face. He looked very full of himself all the time, though he was the complete opposite of that. He was selfless and kind, he knew the appropriate times to joke around and when to be serious and assertive.

"Says you," Porco snapped back. "You've got nothing to worry about with your precious powers." Porco shoved him back with both hands. Y/n was about to go over and give Porco a piece of her mind, but she was stopped by a blonde girl sitting beside her.

"Don't bother," she said in her usual monotone voice. "Melvin's smart enough to talk some sense into him." She had her long hair tied back in a ponytail with her bangs hanging down the side of her face.

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