|30| The Volunteers

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*Warnings: Death, Language, Violence*


The next day, Hange had found out information from the Survey Corps has been leaked to the public. She eventually traced it back to a small group of people, one of them being Floch. They stated that they should use the rumbling and set Eren free, that they should go through with Zeke's plan. Later that day, Y/n was mindless wandering around since she didn't have much else to do.

"Hey Y/n!" Armin shouted from behind her, waving an arm of his head. Y/n turned around and started walking towards him. "Follow me, I wanna show you something." He began walking down the hallway, Y/n walking beside him.

"What is it?" she asked, keeping her head forward.

"It's not really an 'it', but I know it'll brighten up your mood a little," he told her with a small smile.

"Are you saying I'm gloomy?" she asked him.

"Oh- uh- no!" Armin waved his hands around in defence as they walked down the stairs into the dungeons. "I was just- I've seen you around recently and you don't seem very thrilled to be here."

"Don't worry, I'm only messing with you, Armin," she told him with a small chuckle. "I am a little gloomy though, I mean this place is better than what I had in Marley, but I still wonder if this is where I'm meant to be."

"I know this isn't your side of the fight, but Zeke and Eren insisted so-" Armin answered.

"What do you mean they insisted?" Y/n asked him as they stopped in front of a large wooden door.

"Oh look, we're here," Armin said, changing the subject as he slowly opened the door, peaked his head in then opened it all the way.

"You just avoid my question, that's not how it-" Y/n paused as she saw what is in the center of the room. A large blue-ish transparent crystal, and inside was her beloved Annie. Y/n stood there with her mouth slightly gaped open, she couldn't say a word.

"See, she's not exactly an 'it', but I knew you'd want to see her," Armin said as Y/n inched forwards closer to the crystal.

"Annie...I'm so sorry..." Y/n said in a whisper.

"We've tried plenty of things to get her out, but none of them have worked," Armin told her. "So, we've kept her down her for a long while. I come down and talk to her everyday, I don't want her to be lonely, and I knew you wouldn't have wanted her to be alone either."

Y/n held up her hand and inched closer to the crystal, "tell me something, Annie."

"Wow! Hands of the merchandise lady!" Hitch shouted with a rolled up news paper to her lips. Y/n turned around to see who it was. "Hey wait, you that Marleyan The Scouts are in love with right?"

"I'm from Marley, not Marleyan, and they're not in love with me," Y/n protested.

"Some of them are," Hitch said in a fake cough and glanced to Armin. An embarrassed blush covered his face when Y/n turned to him too. "Anyway, I saw your work on the training field, I got to admit I'm a fan, I hate training."

"Right..." Y/n said unsurely.

"Well, you're not even supposed to be down here, so if I were you two I get upstairs," Hitch added as she ushered them out, her following.

"Well, there isn't much to talk about since you're main topic of conversation is right there, so have you read this?" Hitch asked them as she handed them a newspaper. It was clear that the first part was directed at Armin, clearly Hitch knows what he talks about with Annie.

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