|6| Ocean Blue Eyes

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*Warnings: Language*


During their time in Paradis, they decided to join Paradis's version of the Warrior Unit. It was one large military with three main branches: The Military Police, The Garrison Regiment and The Survey Corps/ The Scouts. The Military Police focused on the protection of the royal family, and living a somewhat lavish life in Wall Sina. The Garrison Regiment's job was to upkeep the walls and keep civilian life as peaceful and safe as possible. The Scouts were the ones with the real fun. They got up close and personal with titans, killing them and learning more about them in expeditions they led outside the walls.

"Hey! Mop top!" Commander Shadis shouted. Everyone in The Training Corps was lined up in neat rows in the center of their almost desert like camp. Y/n's head turned to the boy Commander Shadis was shouting it. He was a little shorter than the average boy, a blonde bob that could definitely be improved and big blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean. Despite his odd haircut and small stature, he looked friendly. "What do they call you, Maggot?!"

"Armin Arlert from Shinganshina, sir!" Armin shouted back, holding a very well postured salute. Y/n's stomach dropped a little, Shinganshina. She felt a wave of guilt flow into her. How could a boy so bright looking, go through a thing like that? A thing that she had everything to do with.

"Oh wow, seriously, why would you parents curse you with such a dumb name!?" Shadis shouted back insultingly.

"It was my grandfathers, sir!" the boy yelled back, not being too taken aback by the insult.

"Cadet Arlert, why is a runt like you here!" Shadis yelled, closer to Armin's face than he was before. His head moved back a little and his eyes squinted shut, it reminded Y/n of that day the officer was shouting in her face. But Commander Shadis wasn't near as loud as he was.

"To help humanity overcome the titans!" Armin answered, a squeak in his voice. He was only fifteen, so puberty was still lingering around.

"That is delightful to hear!" Shadis shouted, moving away from Armin's face. "You're gonna be a great light snack for them!" Shadis gripped the top of Armin's head. "Runt!" The Commander kept moving onto more people until he made it too a boy named Connie. As he gripped the bald boy's head, he noticed a girl chowing down on a steamed potato almost right in front of him.

"Hey, you there..." He dropped the boy and stared at the girl. "What do you think you're doing....?" She looked around confused and took another bite of her food. "You are officially on my shit list! Just who the hell are you!?" He screamed in her face as she quickly swallowed the portion of potato in her mouth and saluted.

"Sasha Braus from Dauper Village, at your service! Reporting for duty sir!" she shouted in response, nothing bothering to do anything about the potato in her hand. He asked her about the potato and she responded by saying it was delicious and couldn't resist. Everyone was silent, staring at the crazy girl as she split the potato very unevenly and offered the Commander the smaller half.

"Here sir, have half," she sighed reluctantly. Y/n was very intrigued by this girls confidence. If she were eating the potato she would've thrown it behind her as soon as her and The Commander locked eyes. But food was obviously important to Sasha. Much like how breaking free from Marely's grasp was important to Y/n, so she didn't judge.

Sasha got punished by losing meal privileges for five days and being told to run until sunset. The part Y/n found amusing is that she was much more bothered by losing meal privileges than the running. It was just more proof that these people were humans, with personalities and lives, not devils. For once Y/n could walk around without getting harassed or whispered about because she was just the same as everyone else. Or at least no one knew she was different.

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