|29| Fire on the Training Field

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*Warnings: Language, Violence*

Y/n was woken by a very excited Hange opening her door and shaking her awake. "Come on Y/n, today's the day!"

"God, it can't be that exciting..." Y/n groaned as she rubbed her face before sitting up.

"No but it is! Me, Levi, Armin and Mikasa will be on the side watching. It'll be amazing!" Hange exclaimed as Y/n got out of bed.

"And Mikasa?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, she wanted to come too, they're already down there waiting," Hange told her. Y/n stood for a moment, waiting for Hange to leave so she could get dressed, but she didn't. "No it's okay, I don't mind."

Y/n shook her head and scoffed as she started undressing. "Why'd Captain wanna come?"

"You know, I like how you call him that, despite everything," Hange chuckled. "He wanted to come because he wanted to make sure you didn't destroy HQ."

"We're doing it here? In HQ?" Y/n asked her, pulling on her green uniform. Hange nodded. "I don't think that's a good idea, I told you that I don't know how to put it out, if I do lose control of it, HQ will burn down."

"Oh, don't talk like that, I know that won't happen," Hange answered in an uplifting tone. "Plus, you'll have four people on the side to help out if it does wrong."

Y/n finished getting dressed and walked out and down the halls with Hange. "Hange you don't understand, if it goes wrong you die. I might die too, my body used to be immune to it, but since it got stronger and hotter, my body couldn't handle it. You're risking your life, their lives and my life, along with half the people in HQ."

"Then I trust you won't let it go wrong," Hange answered as they went down then stairs and out two large doors that lead out into the training yard.

"I can't do that," Y/n said. "I can't promise it won't go wrong, and I'm telling you now this is a terrible idea."

"Fine, then if it goes wrong, it's on me," Hange replied as they neared a large open field, Levi, Armin and Mikasa were patiently waiting for them to arrive.

"That not fair Hange, if it goes wrong it's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just curious," Y/n protested.

Hange only chucked and shifted her attention to the three soldiers in green. She sent them a wave with Levi rolled his eyes at. Armin sent Y/n a smile, she gave him a small one in return. "Okay so we're going to stay here, behind this wooden barrier, and you'll go out into the field and do something."

"Do you realise how flammable wood is? Also what am I supposed to do out there?" Y/n asked her.

"Think of something, you got this," Hange said as she shoved her towards the open field, the other three behind the wooden barrier.

"God, the walk of shame..." Y/n said under her breath. "It's fine, just don't kill anyone. The building is right next to you, so keep your fire out of the way of that, easy enough...I think."

Y/n stopped once she was a decent way away from them. Once she looked around, she realised what kind of training yard this was, shooting. There were targets scarcely spread out around her. She picked the closest one to use. She held up her hand awkwardly. "Yep, this is embarrassing for some reason..." she muttered to herself. She let out a deep breath and made her shot. A large line of fire flew out from her hand and to the target, she kept it going for a few seconds, so they could really see what she was doing.

It stopped just when she wanted it too, of course the target kept burning, but that was the whole point. Holy shit, that worked. She was proud of herself for keeping it in control, it was a rare thing but she knew it was worth it.

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