|18| I'm the Armoured Titan, He's The Colossal

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*Warnings: Violence, Language*


Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Hange, Y/n and Pastor Nick piled there way into a cart and headed for Ehrmich. During the ride, Hange discussed her discoveries on The Walls. She concluded that the walls were made up of the same thing Annie's crystal is made out of, hardened titan skin essentially. Y/n was also with her while did performed this investigation, not willingly, but who could say no to her?Hange began piecing two and two together and proposed at Eren could use his hardening abilities to seal the hole in Wall Maria, giving them access to Eren's secret cellar.

Bertholdt and Reiner were back with the rest of The Scouts. Y/n felt bad since she had just abandoned them, even though she said she'd stay close. Then again, having me on a different side off all this can help us piece things together when we see each other again. During the ride, Y/n was squished next to Armin. Neither of them minded. Their eyes meet every once in a while Y/n would be looking at Armin, then he would notice and she would look away, and vice versa.

Once they made it to Ehrmich, Pastor Nick revealed that there is a someone who had joined the Regiment in that year who has the right to speak the truths of the Walls that he and the Order is unable to. Krista Lenz was the 'chosen one' apparently. They realised she was on the front lines and made haste to Utgard Castle.


As they neared the castle, they realised the place was practically in ruins, titans swarming the entire thing. Mikasa and Y/n were on offence, while Armin and Eren were to join with the others. Eren decided he was too good for that and killed a titan when he was supposed to fall back. Y/n got a few kills in before rejoining with the others.

"Y/n, we need to talk," Bertholdt said. He sounded panicked, though he tried to hide it. But, she's known him long enough to tell when he's hiding something. She sent him a confused look as he whispered in her ear. "It's Ymir, she has The Jaw."

Ymir was the titan that killed Marcel...And I've been friends with her this entire time. I don't hate her, she was a titan, she couldn't really control herself. But fuck- that's...I don't even know what to think.

"That's not everything either," Bertholdt continued. "Zeke is here-." Y/n's eyes went wide.

"We're fucked-" she said.

"I know, absolutely fucked," Bertholdt agreed.


Not long after, everyone started to hoist themselves up the wall. Y/n kept around Bertholdt and Reiner for the time being. Y/n sat beside Reiner, Bertholdt standing nearby and Eren looking out from the wall.

"Ugh- son of a bitch," Reiner groaned as he held his right arm that was wrapped in a sling.

"You okay over there, Reiner?" Eren asked.

"Not by a long shot," he responded, a hand covering his face. "A titan almost gnawed my arm off. Pathetic. All I could think was: this is how I go."

Just as Eren was about to respond, Armin shot up the wall in front of him. Y/n looked over and saw Eren helping him up. He sent Y/n a smile, she sent one back. "Armin, your hair is a little-" she chuckled as she gestured to his blonde straight hair. A large portion of it was flicked over his head, making it look very messy and out of place.

"Oh-" he chuckled as she walked closer.

"Can I?" she asked. Armin nodded as she came closer, her face mere inches from his. She began fixing his hair, making it look like his usual bob again.

"You have beautiful eyes," Armin told her. It was almost like he had no restraint, or that he was thinking it but didn't mean to say it. It took Y/n a moment to process. How could he say that? Has he seen himself recently? His eyes are magnificent, mine do not compare. How can he think such things when he looks as he does now? If anyone's beautiful, its him.

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