|12| Abnormal or Eren

37 5 0

*Warnings: Violence, Language*


She looked up to Armin who was in some sort of unconscious awake state. His eyes were open, he was sitting up, but he wasn't moving or saying anything. Y/n was too weak to shout out to him, and she couldn't ODM herself back up there either. A couple minutes later, Connie and the others came flying to Armin, trying to get him to snap out of it. Y/n managed to shout up to them.

"Guys!" She was weak, but they heard her.

"Y/n! Oh my-!" Krista flew down to her rescue immediately. Ymir followed after her. "Can you move?"

Y/n grunted as she tried to get herself up off the ground, just gaining enough strength to wobble to her feet. "I think I should be okay."

"You're concussed," Ymir added as she scooped her up into her arms. "Lets get you on that roof then get a better look." Ymir and Krista carried her back onto the roof, sitting her against a part of it. As they were looking at her injuries, Armin snapped out of it.

"Where's your squad?" Connie asked as he looked around briefly, he caught Y/n's eye as she sent him a wave.

"Squad..." Armin muttered softly.

"Alright, lets get you on your feet," Connie told him, taking his hand from his shoulder. "And what's all this slimy shit on you? What happened?"

Armin froze up again, his eyes went wide, like he was having a flash back. He let out a giant scream and clutched his head in both hands. "You're worthless! Why don't you just die!" His head tipped down as tears ran down his face, sobs left this mouth.

"Armin!" Y/n shouted from where she was sitting. Ymir and Krista were checking out the damage to her legs as Armin looked over. Without thinking, he rushed over and engulfed her in a tight hug as he continued to cry.

"I thought I killed you!" he sobbed as she held the back of his head comfortingly. "But I pushed you off the roof, I heard you hit the ground!"

She moved his head from her shoulder and brought it in front of her face, cupping his cheeks with her hands. "Armin, you didn't kill me. I'd have to give you a medal if you managed to kill someone. Okay?"

"Okay, yeah..." he muttered as he stood up, turning to Connie. "I'll be fine, I'm sorry to be a nuisance. I'll go to the rear guard..." Armin muttered quietly as he jumped off the building and flew down the street.

"Armin-!" Y/n shouted but it was too late, he was already gone.

"Come on, we've been called to go further!" Connie shouted to everyone.

"Ymir, leave me here," Y/n told her, "I'll figure something out, but right now I'll only slow you down."

"Not gonna happen," Ymir picked her up and slung her over her shoulder. "I'm not gonna let you sit there and die, you're in my squad now." She let out a chuckle as she flew off, Y/n clung to her as they made it to another area.

Jean and a couple others were stuck on the roof of a building. They had almost run out of gas and the supply depot had barricaded themselves inside HQ. Titans swarmed the place, meaning they couldn't get there to get more gas even if they could. The veterans on the vanguard were all dead, leaving all the cadets to save the day. Sasha was walking around to everyone, giving them words of encouragement and trying to get everyone to use what little gas they had left to save everyone inside of HQ, but it was hopeless.

Armin was there too, somehow they all ended up in the same spot. Y/n spotted Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner and Marco so she rushed over to them with what little strength she had. "Annie," she said as she put a hand on her shoulder.

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