|19| Devils and Psychotic Murderers

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*Warnings: Language*


"Where are we going?" Y/n asked Bertholdt as the rode on Reiner's shoulder.

"I don't know," he answered. Y/n looked down at her gloved hands, then to Eren and Ymir. "You knew this was going to happen eventually."

Y/n sighed. "Trust me I know. Part of me is glad to get out of there, so I don't have to feel guilty about everything I do. But those people they-"

"They were devils, nothing more," Bertholdt answered for her.

"They were people, Bertholdt," Y/n continued. "You cannot seriously believe those lies after what we've seen. No devil would call me a 'goddess' after giving her food and water, let alone share food with me. No devil would take me under her guidance and try to teach me her scientific ways." Her voice began to break, tears forming in her eyes, though she refused to let them fall. "No- no devil can walk around with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, then tell me he sees beauty in mine. People like that are not devils."

"Then who are the devils?" Bertholdt asked, expecting her to loose her track of thought, stutter and say the people of Paradis.

"Us. We are the devils," she answered softly. "Back home, people would cross the street to avoid us, call us the most vulgar things I've ever heard in my life, they would sit and splash cold water on me in fear I would catch fire and kill everyone." Bertholdt lowered his head, knowing that everything she as saying was true. "But, the only reason we are suppose to think they're devils is because everyone else told us to, from birth. We had the idea that these people on a distant island are devil spawn and deserve to die. I didn't that believe much before we came here, but now I will die on that belief."

"What will Zeke say..?" Bertholdt kept his gaze away from hers and fiddled with his fingers a little.

"Nothing, because neither you nor Reiner will peep a word about my liking for these people. Especially for Armin. If I ever hear about either of you speaking a word to anyone, I will burn you and feed your ashes to the dogs, that is if I don't get killed for it first." Y/n's threat didn't really seem to work, she didn't think it would either, but what was the harm in trying?

"I wont say anything, because you are one of my greatest friends and despite all the confusion, you still came back to us and you're going to come home. All four of us, hopefully Annie. We will go out and eat ice-cream, hang out by the beach. We'll get to see Pieck, Porco, Colt and Zeke again Falco, Gabi and the other kids will be a little older. Everything will be as it was, hopefully less hatred from the public, but trust me, our lives will be infinitely better because of this," Bertholdt assured her with a smile.

Y/n held out her pinky, "promise?"

"What are you, twelve?" Bertholdt asked with a scoff and a chuckle.

"When we were twelve we were grieving over Marcel and killing hundreds of people, so no I am not twelve," Y/n answered. "Do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise," Bertholdt replied with a small smile as he interlocked his pinky with her gloved one.

Eventually they made it to the titan tree forest, as Y/n called it since the trees were so huge. Ymir was the first to wake up, Eren still passed out dreaming of god knows what. "Ymir," Y/n said as she walked over to her. "Are you okay?"

She scoffed, "yeah I'm fine." Y/n decided not to talk to her for a while. I'll let her settle down, she might be angry that we kidnapped her. Well, I'd be angry if I were kidnapped too.

Not long after, Eren woke up. "You're awake," Reiner said as Eren eyes not so graciously opened. "Welcome back."

Silence followed Reiner's greetings, though it didn't last long until Eren's panicked break filled that silence as he found out his arms had been sliced off from above the elbow. Y/n always thought it was convenient they could grow back limbs so simply. Melvin could heal himself, but not like that. If he lost an arm, the skin would cover the opening, but he wouldn't grow a new arm.

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