|21| Send Me A Prayer

37 4 1

*Warnings: Language*


A while had passed until they met up with Zeke. Pieck had come as well, though she was off doing whatever Zeke had sent her to do so Y/n didn't get to see her. Once seeing Zeke clearly, she realised how much he had changed. Obviously he had gotten older, wearing glasses. He had a beard and his hair was surprisingly long. "Ah!" Here you three are at last!" he shouted as they found each other on the wall. "And you've brought an extra!" He was referring to Ymir.

"Yes, we lost Annie, Marcels dead, and we almost had Eren. But Ymir here, she has The Jaw Titan and is willing to cooperate and hand it over," Bertholdt told him.

"Right, well you will be going back to Marley," he said to her as she nodded. "And so will you, little sister."

"No!" Y/n shouted, "I'm not done here, I can help!"

"Ah! Don't you start with me, you're going back. I have a plan and you are not in it," Zeke told her as she scoffed.

"Do you know how much help I can be?" She asked him.

"How many times have you actually used your abilities?" he asked her.

Once she thought about it, she realised. "Like- once, but that's besides the point-"

"Don't you worry yourself now, we'll escort you to the boat tomorrow, you can say your goodbyes to Bertholdt and Reiner, then we'll be back in no time," he explained.

"I'm not going home, Zeke," she snapped back.

"I am War Chief, that is an order!" he shouted.

"Since when were you the fucking War Chief!?" she shouted back.

"Since you left to go start this damn mission you all miserably failed!" Zeke shouted, causing her to go silent. "Look at me, I know it wasn't your fault what happened to Marcel and Annie, but we gotta get you home before it happens to you." He tapped his finger on the tip of her nose, which she swatted away.

"Yeah fine," she answered.

- The Next Day -

They made it to the docks in the late afternoon since they had travelled through the night before. Inside the boat Ymir had found a piece of paper and a pencil. She scribbled down a something for Historia and gave it to Reiner. "You get this to her, I don't care how, I don't care if it messes up your plan. She needs to read it," Ymir told him sternly.

Meanwhile, Y/n and Bertholdt were talking. "Come back alive," she told him.

"Of course I will, I'm always careful," he answered with a smile.

"Also, if you see-" Bertholdt cut her off before she could finish.

"I've heard almost every thought you've ever had about anything, if I get a chance I'll talk to him," he told her and she nodded, a tear running down her face.

"Please come back," she cried, Bertholdt embracing her in his arms. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Please bring Annie back too, I need to have you guys home again. It won't be home without you there with me. You promised we'd hang out at the beach and eat ice-cream and do a bunch of other shit we couldn't do when we were kids. I wanna do that with all of you, at least once."

"Stop worrying, we'll all come back and our lives will be perfect," he assured her.

"And, keep him alive," she told him in a hushed tone. "He deserves to live, just don't kill him." Bertholdt nodded, letting her go.

"Come on, Y/n," Ymir said as she waved her over to the boat. Y/n nodded as she walked on board, Ymir wrapping an arm over her shoulder. They both waved to the three boys as the boat left.

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