Chapter 2 - Expert

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Chapter 2: Expert unedited

Walking on the central path, the sun was pouring down recklessly, and a little sweat oozed from Ying Zhiyu's forehead. She was wearing a black V-neck shirt today and her shoulder length hair was a bit messy by the wind with a strand of hair sticking to her neck.

Ying Zhiyu unbuttoned the cuffs and rolled up both sleeves to her elbows. She then casually rolled up her hair and tying it up with a black hairband on her left wrist.

The man slowed down and gestured to the sunshade on Ying Zhiyu's right, "Let's go this way."

"Thank you." After politely responding, Ying Zhiyu walked to the shade on the right side.

The sky above the fish farm looks particularly blue with moist water vapor and an unknown floral fragrance mixed in the air.

The remaining light swept over the swimming fish in the pond and Ying Zhiyu pondered over the words of the personnel just now. After much consideration she couldn't help but ask, "Do you also think fish ponds are more suitable for breeding than fish houses?"

The man's voice was gentle and low. "In contrast, the fish pond is spacious and has a large water body, which can meet the breeding needs," he paused. "You can see that those personnels are all old employees of the fish farm. They are very experienced, and the fish farm has been operating in this way for so many years."

He said a lot but he did not answer Ying Zhiyu's question.

Ying Zhiyu smiled and said, "What are your thoughts?"

There was no unnecessary expression on the man's face. He looked straight ahead and lowered his eyes upon hearing Ying Zhiyu's question, leaving a shadow behind. "Although it's a bit presumptuous, can I hear your thoughts?"

The man spoke politely and with a soft tone, but to Ying Zhiyu his question appeared abrupt.

Ying Zhiyu fixed her glasses and candidly said, "I knew about fish pond breeding before, but today is the first time I have seen it on site. For koi or goldfish, fish ponds are not inappropriate, but it seems that your fish farm specializes in discus fish. I still think fish houses are more suitable for the breeding of discus fish."

Ying Zhiyu's serious expression was masked by her mask. "Not all ornamental fish are suitable to be kept in a fish pond. If the variety of fish in the pond is limited, it is not a small matter for a fish farm. Moreover, fish farming experience is one aspect." She turned to look at the distant worker and said, "A fish house can maximize efficiency and save labor."

Ying Zhiyu has visited many aquariums and fish farms, as well as learned about fish farming and farming methods both domestically and internationally. Nowadays, the integrated model of a fish house is more popular, and unified waterways, circuits, and air routes can improve the general state of living of the fish.

The man stopped to look at Ying Zhiyu. His light eyes are calm and a smile still lingered on his lips.

When Ying Zhiyu thought that he was going to express his opinion he spoke up and said, "We have arrived."

The two of them stopped and stood in front of a bungalow. Through the glass window, Ying Zhiyu saw the dim and dusty interior, with many pipes and wires on the ground, and pieces of glass stacked near the wall.

There was no one around and it was a strange environment. Ying Zhiyu suddenly became alert and asked calmly, "Is the fish house here?"

"It's not that one, it's here." the man pushed open the door on the other side and stopped at the door. "It's time for feeding. I'll go get the tools and feeds first, you can take a look for yourself."

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