Chapter 24 - Young Couple

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Chapter 24 - Young Couple unedited

Boss Bao's hand was still holding the gesture of reaching for the herbal tea, and Ying Zhiyu's gaze dodged, "You can drink cola."

"But I want to drink cold -"

"They should have bought you a good cola, don't choose," Li Qian interrupted Boss Bao's aggrieved tone. She took out the cola from the bag and said "thank you" to Ying Zhiyu, then stuffed it into Boss Bao's hand.

Boss Bao whispered, "You used to not give people carbonated drinks, but what's going on today?"

Li Qian gave him a warning glare, and Boss Bao did not dare complain anymore. He unscrewed the bottle cap and looked up to drink cola.

With the little episode just now, in order to avoid awkward choices, Ying Zhiyu took out the bottle of herbal tea and handed it to Zhou Wangyu.

Zhou Wangyu looked at the remaining bottle of mineral water in the bag and said, "You choose first, I can drink anything."

Just out of the freezer, the bottle of herbal tea was dripping with water. "This is for you," Ying Zhiyu said without any intention of retracting her hand.

Zhou Wangyu was taken aback and said "Thank you," after receiving the herbal tea.

Because the tanks below had already been emptied in advance, after drinking the drinks, Zhou Wangyu and Boss Bao swapped the positions of the two tanks. Ying Zhiyu also helped to put the filter material into the mesh bag and then organized it into place.

Do these things well, connect the water pipes, plug in the water pump again, and start the water circulation of the tank again.

Thinking it was getting late, Boss Bao told Zhou Wangyu and Ying Zhiyu, "I'll treat you to lunch. There's a stir fry restaurant nearby, and the taste is pretty good."

Often at this time, Li Qian would be on his side to agree, but this time she didn't speak.

Ying Zhiyu glanced at Zhou Wangyu and apologetically said, "I made an appointment today at noon. Next time, I'll invite you and my sister."

Boss Bao looked at Zhou Wangyu again. Just as he was about to ask, Li Qian walked up and said, "I should have something to do today, so let's reschedule."

After saying goodbye to the couple, Zhou Wangyu's car happened to stop at the entrance of the store. After getting in the car, Ying Zhiyu also walked towards the entrance of the HuaNiao Market.

The two of them didn't argue when they met, and Boss Bao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He sat down to rest when he heard Li Qian standing at the door ask, "When did you introduce them to each other?"

Boss Bao thought for a moment and said, "A month ago, right? I forgot the specifics."

Through the glass door of the shop, Li Qian kept looking towards the direction where Zhou Wangyu and Ying Zhiyu had left. She smiled and said, "It's really nice to see a young couple dating."

Boss Bao, who was drinking cola, choked for a moment and said, "Cough... what? Dating?"

Li Qian turned to look at Boss Bao and asked in confusion, "Didn't you play a matchmaker for Xiao Ying and Xiao Zhou?"

"Matchmaking?" Boss Bao frowned. "If I could tie them up, I wouldn't have gone to great lengths to separate them, afraid they might argue."

Li Qian was puzzled and said, "What does that mean?"

After Boss Bao explained the cause to Li Qian, she carefully considered it and gave one word: "Impossible."

"Having known Xiao Ying for so many years, you should know her well," worried that Li Qian would stand too tired after a long time, Boss Bao moved her chair to the door.

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