Chapter 12 - Bet

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Chapter 12 Bet unedited

Grandpa Huang replied, "It's not much. If you can't finish eating, you can bring it back for dinner. I made it myself, so you guys can eat it with peace of mind."

Grandma Huang was cutting vegetables on the side, and Zhou Wangyu casually mentioned the two twin children of Huang Yesheng's family. Grandma Huang and Grandpa Huang opened their mouths and started chatting with Zhou Wangyu.

"We never expected that Yaoyao would be pregnant with twins and give birth to a son and a daughter at once."

"The children have grown so fast that in the blink of an eye they have already started kindergarten."

"Yeah, we're all getting old too."

Zhou Wangyu not only spoke to them, but also calmly walked to the sink to help.

He is already tall and the sink appeared short, so Zhou Wangyu can only bend down to wash vegetables.

Without any extra space, Zhou Wangyu had to be careful not to be noticed. His movements seemed very cramped, so he exerted force on his back, pushed his shoulders back, and his shoulder blades faintly showed in his clothes.

At this moment, Zhou Wangyu was washing green peppers. His fingers were slender, and the wet green peppers were rubbed back and forth in his hands. The bulging veins on the back of his hand spread to his forearm, looking very powerful.

Thinking of Zhou Wangyu throwing a net by the river, his hands, his figure, his face...

Ying Zhiyu's face heated up as she moved her gaze away and cursed inwardly at her own lack of clarity.

Seeing Zhou Wangyu busy washing vegetables, Ying Zhiyu was not idle either. She sat on a low stool beside her and began peeling the edamames from the bamboo basket.

When Zhou Wangyu quietly washed all the vegetables by the sink, Grandma Huang finally realized, "Hey! While chatting, I forgot about my surroundings. Why did you two children come to help? You really don't need to. Go and rest."

As Grandma Huang was about to push Zhou Wangyu away, Ying Zhiyu quickly stood up and said, "Grandma, we also want to come over and talk to you and Grandpa."

She changed the topic and said, "I see a scenic area next to the farmstay, so what is on top of it?"

"That's a mountain with a glass plank bridge and a cableway. The scenery is great there's nothing else," Grandma Huang didn't stop the two people who wanted to help. "I haven't had a chance to ask you what you're doing here today."

"Wild fishing."

"Wild fishing."

Ying Zhiyu and Zhou Wangyu answered in unison.

"Oh, you guys were here to fish in the wild," Grandpa Huang agreed. "I know you like fish, Wangyu. Do you also like it, little girl?"

"Yes, Grandpa," Ying Zhiyu smiled, "I've been fond of raising fish for a long time."

Grandpa Huang looked at the two of them and said, "You two have the same hobbies. It's much more convenient to come out for a date, not bad."

Hearing the word "date", it seems that Grandpa Huang misunderstood.

Grandma Huang cleared her throat and said, "What are you talking about? Xiao Ying and Wiangyu are friends."

In fact, Ying Zhiyu has considered finding a boyfriend with the same hobby. The two of them can raise fish together and will not argue over obsession with fish farming.

"Hehe, I misunderstood," Grandpa Huang continued to cook as he shifted the topic and asked, "What did you get in today's fishing?"

"We caught quite a lot of bitterling and black shelled shrimp, such as tiger shrimp."

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