Chapter 41 - I like you

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Chapter 41 - I like you

When Zhou Wangyu called Ying Zhiyu again, it was displayed that she was on the other side of the phone.

Ying Zhiyu said, "Wait for me." Is she coming over?

How could Zhou Wangyu be rest assured if Ying Zhiyu would drive over in such bad weather? Besides, she is also afraid of driving on rainy days.

The fish farm fell into darkness, with only a few flashlights flashing. The signal grid on the screen is jumping, and at this moment, both phone calls and WeChat messages cannot be sent.

Zhou Wangyu tried to send a message to Ying Zhiyu: [Stay at home and don't come out, I will find a way.]

After sending it out, Zhou Wangyu placed his phone on the table, then put on his raincoat and walked to the back of the fish farm.

The wind was howling, and his vision was blurred. As he approached, it was mixed with rain, and the road became slippery and muddy.

Several masters gathered in front of the electric box. The umbrella could not withstand the rainstorm and was thrown on the roadside. The two masters brought a plastic shed across their heads, barely able to block part of the rain.

"How is it?" Zhou Wangyu asked.

The master wiped the rain off his face and squinted his eyes, saying, "It's too complicated to operate now. We can only try connecting the separate battery next to it."

"Thank you all for your hard work," Zhou Wangyu handed over another flashlight. "I'm still waiting for the news of the power car, I'll do it as soon as possible."

"Alright, Boss Zhou, you go wait for the phone call and leave it to us."

Arriving at the fish room, Zhou Wangyu connected the remaining few power banks to an air pump.

The bubbles emerging from the gas lift stone are very small and slow in speed. The voltage of these power banks is not enough and cannot be maintained for long.

The phone bounced back and forth between no signal and one grid signal. Zhou Wangyu didn't want to sit idly by in the fish room, so he picked up the key and prepared to drive there in person. Then suddenly the electricity came in.

The moment the light comes on is hope, and at the same time, worry comes with it. This indicates that the master has connected a battery, which also means that the electricity cannot be sustained for long.

Zhou Wangyu was checking the condition of the fish in the fish room. Time passed by minute by minute, and his clothes were soaked in rainwater just as he left. The moisture seemed to penetrate into his skin, and the chill wrapped him tightly like a net.

Zhou Wangyu received several phone calls from friends, all of whom were inquiring about the availability of backup electric motors.

"I have now added a section on my end. If you have any news, please contact me again. Thank you."

Zhou Wangyu did not receive a reply from Ying Zhiyu.

This afternoon, Ying Zhiyu asked Zhou Wangyu if the comments made him uncomfortable, given that everyone thought they were in a relationship.

Zhou Wangyu also read those comments, and his first concern was that they might cause trouble for Ying Zhiyu. How could he feel uncomfortable? He even felt that the comments were dissecting his own worries.

At the beginning, he held the distance horizontally between them two, but it seemed that even a slight mistake would cross the line.

In fact, Zhou Wangyu had a candid plan today, but it was interrupted by the arrival of Zuo Chen.

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