Chapter 28 - HuaNiao Market (2)

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Chapter 28 - HuaNiao Market (2) unedited 

At certain times, you can clearly feel the frequency of your heartbeat, especially when it is accelerating.

The feeling of sudden jumping is transmitted along the pulse and can also be felt through the tremors in the chest.

The heart is like a small boat floating on the surging sea, constantly hitting the chest.

In such situations, Ying Zhiyu always felt that she had something to say to Zhou Wangyu, including a few times before.

When wild fishing, after lunch, when the two of them sat on the terrace chatting. Zhou Wangyu said that inviting Ying Zhiyu to wild fishing also because of his own selfishness. As for what this selfishness refers to, Ying Zhiyu still doesn't know.

Also, just now Zhou Wangyu asked Ying Zhiyu if anyone is willing to take care of the chinchilla with her. Ying Zhiyu didn't quite understand who is that "someone" he was referring to, whether it was her family or someone else.

Ying Zhiyu believes in everything her eyes see, and she also believes that she won't misjudge people. More importantly, she believes in the direction of her heart.

During the days when she agreed to meet with SY, Ying Zhiyu also thought that perhaps because she had neglected Zhou Wangyu's enthusiasm, he might not continue to help her find fish for herself.

So after learning that Zhou Wangyu was SY, Ying Zhiyu took the initiative to make an appointment with Zhou Wangyu.

She didn't want their conversation to be interrupted again, nor did she want to miss Zhou Wangyu again.

Even if the fish shop owner has installed the fish and comes over to ask them if they want to buy the bolivian ram cichlid; Even if guests want to pass through the aisle and look at the fish tank next to them.

When Zhou Wangyu was preparing to give way, Ying Zhiyu grabbed Zhou Wangyu's clothes.

"You can accompany me to find it."

No longer giving the conversation a chance to be interrupted, Ying Zhiyu's tone was very firm, and her fingertips unconsciously exerted force.

Zhou Wangyu's gaze paused, and he first lowered his head to look at her hand, then slightly raised the corner of his lips.

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

The customer bought some teira batfish from Zhou Wangyu's fish farm in the fish shop. The fish shop owner packed the bag and smiled at the customer, saying, "If you keep it well, come back. There are many other types of fish in the shop."

After greeting the guests, the fish shop owner noticed that Zhou Wangyu and Ying Zhiyu were looking at the fish in a group tank and heard some conversations that raised his blood pressure.

Ying Zhiyu said, "This snowball pleco catfish looks good."

Zhou Wangyu asked, "How many can you put into the South American tank when you open it?"

Ying Zhiyu thought about it, "Good idea, wait a minute. Although their spots are round, they are not very big... they may not look good when they grow up."

Zhou Wangyu replied, "Hmm, as they grow up, the spots will shrink. I don't know if it's because they are put in a fish shop. Most snowball pleco catfish are afraid of people, but these ones have a lot of courage."

They changed to another tank to look at.

Ying Zhiyu told him, "These seem to be called glofish tetra. I heard it's artificially dyed."

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