Part 1: A novice and a fish Chapter 1

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Part 1: A novice and a fish

Chapter 1: ShanYu Fishery

It was only April yet, and as the humid and hot air rushed in, one could sense the stuffiness from summer ahead of time, and the road surface seemed to be steaming with a thin layer of heat. The afternoon sun shone through the car window, blurring her vision and making it difficult for her to open her eyes. Ying Zhiyu slightly raised her head and raised her hand to lower the sunshade, blocking some of the light.

The car stereo played light music, and the road was empty, with almost no people or cars visible around. Her index finger tapped the steering wheel regularly, and her fair and slender fingers seemed to be enveloped in a ray of light.

Driving along the winding path, cherry blossoms bloom on both sides of the road, and the water waves in a lake on the right become clearer and clearer under the light. As she drove down this road, the road became more uneven, and the car began to shake. Ying Zhiyu frowned.

It is obvious that her displeasure has not been relieved by the scene before her.

Upon arriving at the destination, Ying Zhiyu slowly stepped on the brake and shifted gears, and the four words on the gate came into her view.

Shanyu Fishery.

Stopping the car, Ying Zhiyu put on a fisherman's hat and mask in front of the rearview mirror and then took out a pair of large, framed glasses. After lifting her chin in front of the mirror and confirming that it could cover half of her face, Ying Zhiyu opened the car door and got out of the car.

The wind carried a damp haze and mixed with a faint salty smell. Ying Zhiyu was familiar with the smell, which also reminded her of the incident that happened a week ago, which was also the reason why she came to the fishery.


A week ago.

"Hello everyone, I am a fish. Welcome to "A Novice and Fish" fourth episode, 'Choosing Fish'.

Aiming the camera of the phone directly in front, the fish tank created under the LED light is simple and beautiful, and the water plants float with the filtered water flow. Ying Zhiyu recorded the video while explaining.

"After installing filtration in the water tank, adding water plants can help the tank establish a nitrification system faster and maintain a clear water state. In the previous episode, I recommended zebrafish that are easy to raise. Recently, I bought three of them, and today we will take a look at their status."

The reason for filming the video is that Ying Zhiyu participated in the "Popular Blogger Competition" held by the Jiazhuo Forum.

The competition requires shooting three themes, with eight original videos for each theme. A video needs to be uploaded to the platform every Tuesday.

Through following, liking, and comprehensive quality evaluation, the first-place winner will receive a recommendation spot on the homepage and a two-person world tour.

As a popular blogger of the Jiazhuo Forum Fish Farming Forum, Ying Zhiyu naturally participated in this competition, and her first chosen theme was "A Novice and Fish.".

At first, Ying Zhiyu didn't find any fish in the fish tank on camera. She naively thought that the fish was hiding under the water plant. After searching around, the lively fish in the morning lay at the bottom of the tank and flipped its belly, presenting a pale and stiff body.

The sound of filtered water filled the entire room, and she took out the fishing net with a net bag. The subtle, salty smell made Ying Zhiyu's breathing unstable.

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