Chapter 10 - Breeding

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Chapter 10 Breeding unedited

"What is it?" Zhou Wangyu asked.

"How do you breed any fish you keep?"

Zhou Wangyu looked at Ying Zhiyu with a smile on his face and said, "I have considered this issue before."

Ying Zhiyu's curiosity exploded, "So what is the conclusion?"

"Proper timing, stable environment, and sufficient food can all help fish reproduce."

"I know all of these, is there anything else?" Ying Zhiyu propped up the fishing net on the ground, "I can meet the conditions you mentioned when taking the fish home. You know, everyone loved guppy fish when they first started raising fish, and compared to others its egg laying is also easier to reproduce."

Ying Zhiyu cleared her throat and added, "To be honest, when I first started raising fish, I bought a lot of guppy fish. I heard they are viviparous, and I want to see how they are born.".

"But I raised a lot and changed several batches, but in the end they didn't reproduce, so I gave up," she looked at Zhou Wangyu seriously. "How do you breed so well?"

"Hmm?" Zhou Wangyu couldn't help but laugh and cry. "What did you say?"

After realizing what she had said, Ying Zhiyu pursed her lips - wasn't she talking about fish breeding? Why didn't she add a prefix and just ended up saying, 'How do you breed so well?'?

Ying Zhiyu raised her hand and rubbed the tip of her nose, then turned her head to look at the water surface. "What I mean is, how does your fish breed so well?" She specifically emphasized "your fish" to avoid causing any more awkward situations.

"Perhaps it's fate," two butterflies flew past Zhou Wangyu and circled around his hat. "It's like there are millions of fish in this river, but only it has entered your net. Meeting them is fate."

The voice of Zhou Wangyu speaking and the gaze he looked at Ying Zhiyu were extremely gentle. A hint of hesitation flashed on his face. "Can you understand?"

Quickly blinking her eyes, Ying Zhiyu felt a bit confused, but it didn't seem appropriate to continue on this topic. She nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

As they moved forward, the water near the riverbank gradually became shallower. Some people stood barefoot inside, fishing for something. Upon closer inspection, they found many snails and some small crabs in their nets.

There are quite a few people in the shallow water area. Zhou Wangyu and Ying Zhiyu walked downhill and found a small pond,

Just to pass they must cross a small ditch.

"Wait for me." After speaking, Zhou Wangyu had already taken steps.

Ying Zhiyu stood on a flat path, while Zhou Wangyu walked over. His footsteps were fast and he was constantly tapping the road ahead with his net bag.

Ying Zhiyu could see that Zhou Wangyu was exploring for her. When he found a relatively small and easy to cross location. "You can come over now," he told her.

Ying Zhiyu responded and walked towards Zhou Wangyu.

When Ying Zhiyu arrived, Zhou Wangyu strode across to the other side, with his palm facing upwards and extending his hand towards Ying Zhiyu.

Zhou Wangyu's face was calm and when he looked at Ying Zhiyu there was a smile on his lips.

Ying Zhiyu tightened her fingers, clenched her fist, and then grasped Zhou Wangyu's hand.

Zhou Wangyu's hands are very big and his palms are slightly hot. As Ying Zhiyu stepped over to the other side, she held his hand slightly with force and smoothly crossed over with the help of his body weight.

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