Chapter 5 - It's just perfect

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Chapter 5 - It's just perfect unedited

On Monday morning, Aunt Qi arrived at Ying Zhiyu's house at 7 o'clock. Ying Zhiyu, who used to be sleeping at this time, was washing up.

"Zhi Yu, why are you getting up so early today?"

Ying Zhiyu, who was brushing her teeth, leaned out of the bathroom and said, "Good morning, Aunt Qi. I'm going out today."

Aunt Qi "Oh right!" gasped, "Look at my memory, I forgot what you told me. I just made egg pancakes for your breakfast. Do you have any milk at home?"

"It seems like there is some left." Ying Zhiyu brushed her teeth and spoke vaguely.

Aunt Qi walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "There's still milk, let me heat up a cup for you."

"Okay, thank you Aunt Qi."

When Ying Zhiyu changed her clothes, she straightened her hair and tied it to a simple ponytail. She walked to the dining table with her bare face. Aunt Qi grabbed her and looked at her for a while, "Zhiyu, are you going out like this?"

Looking down at her printed T-shirt and loose pants, Ying Zhiyu said in confusion, "Yes, this is it."

Aunt Qi frowned and raised her finger to point to her face.

Ying Zhiyu blinked her eyes and nodded with a sudden realization, "Oh, I forgot something very important."

Thinking that Ying Zhiyu understood her meaning, Aunt Qi nodded contentedly and said, "Yes, go quickly."

After a while, Ying Zhiyu walked back and sat down wearing a hooded sun protective jacket.

"Aunt Qi, what do you think of my newly purchased sun protective jacket?" Ying Zhiyu put on her hat and pulled the zipper up to the top, just enough to cover her entire face.

Aunt Qi looked at Ying Zhiyu helplessly, but she hesitated and eventually swallowed her words.

Not only can it protect against sun, but it also saves on makeup, and even your date can't see your face. Is that even okay?

The reason why Ying Zhiyu bought this sun protective jacket is very clear - it is to cover her face.

That day, not only did she admit the wrong person, but she also praised the person for their handsome appearance in front of him. Afterwards, Ying Zhiyu remembered that she was so embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole to get in.

On Saturday night, after much contemplation, Ying Zhiyu sent a message to Zhou Wangyu, using the excuse that she had something to do to cancel the wild fishing.

Shanyu Fishery: [Mmm, I'm here.]

At the same time the forum happened to recommend posts containing some photos of Huali River, and others also shared their experience of wild fishing there.

Thinking of going to Huali River, where you can see different native fish and accumulate video materials for the popular blogger competition, Ying Zhiyu gritted her teeth——

Ying Zhiyu: [Do I need to prepare anything for Monday's wild fishing?]

Shanyu Fishery: [No need, I have already prepared the wild fishing tools.]

Ying Zhiyu: [Okay.]

A person who is always ready will be rewarded, yet Ying Zhiyu is still compromised. That night, she ordered a sun protective jacket that could cover herself.

The reason why Ying Zhiyu agreed to him is because of two reasons: firstly, she really has a strong emotional need for success in the competition; secondly, this fish farm owner is someone Boss Bao knows, and if there are any problems, there is a layer of security.

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