Chapter 5

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Emily and Melinda have been walking for most of the day. Before they left this morning, they seemed to be back on normal terms. Melinda had woken up first with Emily still buried in her breasts.

On the way they found another river with plenty of fish swimming around, they decided to catch a few to eat tonight. Not only that but they came across mushrooms close by. Emily knew which one's were bad and which was good, Luckily for Emily they were good.

As the sun went down Melinda told Emily they should find a place for the night. Problem being this time there were no caves close by.

"Looks like we're camping with the stars tonight human." The lamia told Emily.

"Looks like it." She replied back, Emily was slightly nervous but then again there was a Lamia near her.

They found a good spot to camp as evening fell. As the lamia started a fire, Emily got out the pan and utensils to begin cooking. Melinda had eaten before they left so wasn't hungry.

"We're almost out of the forest now human, not to long until we reach the abandoned village." The lamia said placing more stick down.

"The abandoned village." Emily repeated.

A long time ago it was called Hicwig village. Like Emily's village they worked on farm lands, until one day everyone vanished.

Both villages were on good terms with each other, helping out when need be. So when a few people went to visit Hicwig, they were shocked to find everyone had disappeared.

The fish and mushroom were cooked, even the lamia had to agree it smelled delicious. While she ate the lamia explained how far left to Gridmond.

"Once we're out of here, we go past the abandoned village to the open plains. Unfortunately I don't know if there's anything else after that before he hit Gridmond."

"Have you traveled there before?" Emily asked.

"Not personal, but i've lived in here for a long time, you hear things. I've also snagged a few humans coming from there." She said smiled at the last part.

Emily gulped remembering the lamia next to her eats people. After finishing her meal Emily got out her blanket ready for bed.

"What are you doing?" The Lamia asked her.

"What does it look like im doing, im getting ready for bed." Emily replied.

"I can see that, but we're not in a cave anymore. It's still cold during the nights, you should sleep with me instead." The lamia continued.

"As if." Emily scoffed.

"Suite yourself." Melinda replied rolling her eyes.

Even with the fire on the Lamia was right. It's still early spring, during the day it was warm, but at night it was still chilly.

Melinda could hear Emily tossing and turning, trying to wrap herself up more in her blanket.

"My offer still stands human." The lamia said, she herself couldn't sleep much.

At first Emily didn't reply seemily thinking about it.

"No funny business." Emily spoke quietly.

"No funny business." The lamia agreed.

Emily got up and walked over towards the lamia blanket over her. But the Lamia was disappointed when Emily only layed besided her. Taking matters into her our hands she pulled the human in closer. At first Emily tried resisting, but the lamia held her down.

"No more struggling human, just sink into my warm soft breasts." The lamia said holding her between them.

Surprisingly Emily did just that, she seemed to tired to care, even admitting to herself it was soft and warm. Satisfied with the result the lamia also fell asleep.

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