Chapter 10

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"I don't remember everything from my childhood. Some people have small families, others have big ones. Me, I just have my mum. I never questioned it, I never had a problem with it. My mother would do anything she could for me, no matter how big or small, she would always try her best. She gave me the world, so when people ask me what it was like growing up with just a mother, i would always reply with this. I had the best childhood ever, because I have the best mother ever...

Emily woke up to the the man tapping on the glass window.

"Miss were here." He said opening the door for her.

Emily looked around rubbing her eyes, it was pitch black outside.

He asked if she'll be ok leaving this time of night but Emily told him she would be fine.

She then grabbed her bag before getting out of the cart.

Still worried about leaving, the man gave Emily one of his lanterns. She smiled thanking him before he set back off.

Once he left Emily turned back around and made her way past the abandoned village. Even tho she told the man she would be fine, inside Emily was terrified.

She started remembering again about the other lamia. She was dead now, but to Emily it still felt like she wasn't.

Emily began walking into the deep forest, again her plan was to stick to the road. At least until see comes across the blocked slope.

While walking Emily started to think about what Melinda was doing.

"She's probably so pissed with me." Emily said sighing.

After a while Emily needed to take a break, her body was tired but she wanted to get home as soon as possible. The forest had become misty by this time, she had eaten the last of the bread she brought and drunk the last of her water.

Slapping her cheeks she got up and continued. She was grateful for the lantern the man gave her, sometimes her body would start swaying from lack of sleep, throwing her off the road.

But time passed and Emily collapsed to the ground, unable to go any further. She sat up against a tree. Not the ideal place but she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

Early morning broke and Emily woke up feeling horrible. She had a huge headache and pains in her stomach. Not knowing how long she slept for she got up and looked around.

"Shit." She said to herself, looking to the left, then the right both directions looked the same.

She tried remembering which way she came from but couldn't. Looking at the ground there were some possible foot prints her shoes could of made.

In the end she chose the way the possible shoe prints were coming from. Holding her stomach she began walking.

She walked, and walked, and walked, until again it got to much. She slumped over to the ground passing out.

Throughout that time Melinda had been catching up with Emily. Following her scent, even tho she knew where she was going.

As Melinda slithered through the open plains she saw the man and his cart going back to Gridmond. She smiled knowing Emily was by herself.

By the time she reached the abandoned village it was already a new day. The lamia was tired but she ignored it wanted to find the human.

Following Emily's scent until she saw her laying on the ground. Melinda quickly slithered over to her.

"M-melinda... My mum is dying." Emily said opening her eyes before closing them again.

Melinda then picked her up before taking Emily back to the abandoned village. She was pale and malnourished.

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