Chapter 9

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Emily couldn't believe what she was seeing. A bustling town full of people and shops spreading across the castle grounds. In front of her was a big fountain, sliver in colour with two horses standing up on each side.

As Emily walked by there were some children throwing coins in it.

Behind that, a massive market full of all sorts of stalls. From clothes to household items, but what hit Emily the most was the mouthwatering smells.

From freshly cooked bread to crispy bacon and sausages. Emily couldn't help but stare aimlessly at it all. Her stomach felt the same, she was annoyed for skipping breakfast this morning.

"First the medication then food." Emily said slapping her cheek's.

She quickly made her way out from the market. She began searching for the drug store.

She had spent a good hour or so looking around, Emily's found all sorts of shops but not the one she was looking for.

She sighed, before sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me miss, are you perhaps lost?"
A voice from behind her said.

It was an old man.

"Ah...yes... I'm a little lost." Emily said feel a little embarrassed.

The old man chuckled, he explained he was the owner of a clothing shop. While putting out some items by the window, he noticed Emily going past a few time looking around.

Emily told him she needed to find the drug store so he kindly pointed her in the right direction.

Emily thanked the man before making her way there. As she entered there were two lines of three people on each of them. Emily decided to wait sitting on a chair that was close by.

She went through her bag to get out the money. Before grabbing it she saw the other bag that Melinda had used. A temptation to open it came over her as she touched the bag.

But siding against it grabbing the money bag instead. Once one of the lines were empty Emily went over.

"How may I help you." The old man at the counter said.

"I'm looking to buy some medication for my mother." Emily replied.

"Ok, what seems to be the issue. A cold, sore throat, maybe a headache?" He continued.

Emily shook her head. "Something for coughing up blood."

The shop feel silent, with everyone on the room look at Emily.

"D-did I say something wrong..." Emily said uncomfortable with everyone looking at her.

"She's coughing up blood... Does she have any other symptoms?" The old man asked with a look of concern.

So Emily explained everything.

"Why don't you come the back for a sec, I need to have a word with someone." The old man said scratching his head.

Emily nodded, still unsure why everyone was reacting in this way. She walked pass the counter into the break room. The old pointed to a sofa for her to sit on.

After a while the old man came back into the break room, this time with another man who had glasses on.

The old man then crouched down besides Emily.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this... But your mother... Your mother is dying." He said to her.

"What..." Emily said unable to believe what he just said.

Both men look at each other before the man with glasses spoke.

"She's far past our help, she needs to visit the hospital immediately."

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