Chapter 2

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As Emily closed the front door she made her way to the shed in the garden. This was where some of the swords jack's father made are kept.

After holding a few she chose the one that felt comfortable to hold and swing. Once that was sorted she placed it in her scabbard and left.

Grabbing her bag she began making her way out of the village. Quickly and quietly she made her way to the entrance. As she made her way through, she noticed people on watch by house's, taking turns to keep on eye on everyone.

Emily had to sneak past them, she knew if she got caught she'd had to return home. Lucky no one was guarding the entrance, most likely to scared to do so.

Emily then paused, the realization of what she was about to do had hit her. But never the less she was determined to continue.

Her plan was simple, stay on the road. As long as she was on it she can't get lost.

Leaving at night she could only somewhat see in front of her, but Emily brought a lantern in case things got bad.

Emily had been walking for an hour or two by now. Although she was terrified it was eerily quiet. Besides a few birds and wind blowing in the air the forest seemed dead.

As she continued walking she noticed something up ahead.

"You've got to be kidding me." Emily couldn't believe it, there was a road block.

Taking the chance she lit her lantern to see what was going on. Turns out it was a mountain slope, it must of collapsed, falling onto the road.

"So this is the reason for no one coming." She said.

Emily held the lantern towards each side of the forest. The side the mountain slope was coming from, most of the trees had broken and rocks were everywhere. The other side the trail looked like it lasted longer, but also seemed there was a deeper downhill.

Emily sighed, she didn't want to be to go down into a deeper part of the forest, so made the decision to try climbing it. However as soon as she tried getting a grip the rocks started to dislodge, almost falling onto her.

Out of options she decided to climb up the mountain from a safer part of the slope. As long as she could still see the slope on the road she'd be fine. Keeping her lantern on she made her way up the mountain.

It was easier then she thought, road still somewhat in view with Emily looking around at the top. As she began walking across, a rock under her foot gave way. Emily fell on her side and stared sliding down the slope.

Going down at speed, a big tree branch hit her across the chin and face. The impact through Emily's body in a different direction falling into a bunch of bushes.

Surprisingly and unfortunately for Emily that wasn't the end of it, as the bushes were only covering a hole she fell into.

Face first hitting the ground Emily felt like she'd been in a boxing match. Lucky the lantern wasn't broken, so she took it off her bag and looked around.

She had landed in a cave, looking around it was huge and tall with two tunnels, one in front of her and one behind her. Emily then looked up to see where she fell from.

She could barely see the gap let alone reach it. Looking back at both tunnels she chose the one in front of her.

She'd be walking for awhile now, the tunnel felt like it went on forever. It was also very hot in there, sweat dripping from Emily head it was becoming hard to breathe.

But soon it opened up into a bigger cave network, looking around they were now three tunnels not including the one she came from.

Emily grew very tired she needed to sit down and figure things out. She went over to the caves wall took off her bag and sat, leaning against it. Going through her bag she pulled out a bottle of water, taking a few sips from it.

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