Chapter 13

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Emily, her mother and Jack made they way to the village council. When they got there a women outside greeting them before letting them in, all besides Jack who was frustrated by being denied.

Emily's mother told him it was ok, he should wait outside for them. Emily and her mother then followed the women to an office. She opened the door announcing their arrival.

The man inside smiled before asking Emily and her mother to take a seat.

"So you must be wondering why ive called you here today, don't worry your not in trouble or anything." The man said.

Emily felt relieved, it was the first time anything like this had happened, you always feel you've done something wrong even tho you haven't.

"I've heard that it was you, that got rid of the monster destroying out village." He said smiling.

Emily blushed, holding up her hands she denied she killed anything.

"That's gossip for you, but really I didn't do anything." Emily replied.

The man looked confused, so he asked Emily if she could explain.

So Emily did, once again using the fake story of how three adventurers saved her and killed the monster. But something also hit her telling the story.

"Oh that reminds me! I know why we haven't had any deliveries, there's a mountain slope on the road." Emily explained.

The man was pretty shocked, although attacks on the village had stopped for sometime, no one still wants to venture into the deep woods in fear.

They carried on talking answering each others questions. Emily had told him what the monster had looked liked, using the red hair lamia, and when she got to Gridmond even they seemed surprised about the road being blocked.

After the conversation ended the man stood up, thanking Emily and her mother for there time. They exited the building seeing Jack still waiting for them before making there way home.

Jack waved bye as they entered the house, it had gotten a little chilly so Emily's mother lit a fire.

"You know hearing all that stuff makes me very proud of you." Emily's mother tell her.

Emily laughed. "It was quite an adventure."

But Emily's smiled faded, she couldn't help but think more of Melinda.

The rest of the day was the same, in fact it was the same for the next few days. Emily spent her entire time with her mother.

But something seemed off to Emily's mother ever since she came back from the talk at the council. She was talking less, playing with her food and at times would space out.

"Honey is everything ok?" Her mother asked as Emily was washing the dishes. Emily didn't reply again daydreaming.

Her mother tapped her on the shoulder and Emily jumped almost dropping a plate.

"I'm sorry honey, I asked you a question but you never replied." Her mother apologized.

Emily smile. "No worries mum... What did you ask again?"

"Are you feeling ok?" Her mother repeated.

"Me? Of course, never better." Emily smiled again before continuing with cleaning. But her mother knew otherwise.

"You plan on leaving don't you." Her mother said bluntly.

Emily froze, not knowing what to say.

"You can always read me like a book mum." Emily replied.

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