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"Here are the documents you asked for," Grian groaned as the door clicked shut behind him. He took a look at the papers, then tilted his head to see his coworker, Scar, glide over to him in his wheelchair. "Why thank you, fellow coworker!" He said while giving Grian a smile. Scar took the documents from Grian's hand, his scarred hand stroking Grian's in the process. It made Grian flinch, making him pull his hand away. He could've sworn blush crept on his face. Every accidental contact he made with Scar made him freak out, over the years Grian's hopes for ever being with Scar had caved. Yet he still couldn't find a way to move on.

Scar seemed to have noticed him flinching, because he asked Grian if he was okay. "I'm fine, I am just.. I'm just tired," he replied. "Alright, well I have to go teach these kids some music!" Scar happily said while taking his eyes off the documents and laying the papers on his lap so he could move his wheelchair. "I'll see you at break time!" He said and waved Grian goodbye.


Scar heard the bell ring when the last two people of this class walked in and took their seats. "Good morning everyone!" Scar started. He gazed around the classroom. "Since we've been learning about different types of music and the basics of music, I will be giving you your first assignment." He paused and saw a few people looking annoyed after the word assignment came out of his mouth, but he ignored it. "I want you all to try and make your own song, I don't care if you use a premade beat or make your own, I just want everyone to put their main focus on the lyrics."

"You see, lyrics can have lots of stories behind it, lots of meaning. I want you to do that too, put a meaningful thing behind your lyrics. Maybe that meaningful thing will be something that happened recently in your life, or something that affected your life that happened when or before you were born," Scar paused for a moment, then continued; "You have three weeks to complete the song, you may work on it during the lessons and of course, at home." When he had finished explaining the assignment, someone raised their hand in the back of the class. "Yes?" Scar nodded at them, giving them permission to speak.

"Do you write songs?" The girl with short brown hair asked. Her name was Melanie, she was always very interested in music, especially when it came to this class. Scar was surprised by this question. She never really asked about him, no one really did, but he didn't mind. "Yes I do, sometimes." Scar smiled at her. He knew he didn't answer with complete honesty, he was always working on songs. After work he would find himself behind his desk, writing songs about everything and nothing at the same time. Melanie looked pleased with the answer, following her recent question with another; "Can you participate in the assignment? Like, you also make a song we can all listen to?"

The questions became more and more surprising. Scar had never even thought about that, letting his students listen to a song he made. Maybe that could be a good thing? Letting someone listen to the music he wrote. "Sure! If everyone thinks that's a good idea, then I'll be happy to," Scar replied. A few mumbles in agreement went around the classroom, confirming they all agreed with the idea. "Well, you may all get started with your songs, I'll be working on mine aswell. If you have any questions or need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask," Scar reassured everyone as he pushed his wheelchair towards his desk.

Since he had agreed to also do the assignment he gave his class, Scar needed to come up with an idea for a new song. He didn't want to use one he'd already written. Suddenly there was a fast knock on the door, before Scar could come over to open it, one of his blonde, almost yellow haired coworkers already did that for him, anxiously holding the door knob. "Tango! What's up?" Scar asked him surprised. Tango was always hanging out in the science lab, that was his thing after all. Most of the time he was very cheerful, but could lose his temper fairly easy.

Scar noticed that he definitely wasn't cheerful right now, a worried expression drawn on his face. Scar had never seen Tango this worried before. "I need to speak to you," Tango said, his eyes scanning the room. "Alone.." he added and swiftly pulled the door further open so Scar could exit the classroom. Scar was now in the hallway, still with a worried looking Tango who quickly closed the door behind him. "What's this all abo-," Scar wanted to ask but was interrupted by his coworker. "There has been an accident in the science lab, now listen closely, I, we don't have time to tell the story of how this happened," Scar nodded, looking Tango directly in his eyes, still the only thing he could read was worry.

"You need to close all the windows in your classroom to avoid the.. accident getting anywhere else than inside this building. When you've done that, I need you to guide your class outside as quickly as possible and avoid the science lab as well as you can," Scar was still unsure of what had happened, but like Tango said, there was no time to explain nor figure out. He gave Tango a determined nod and glided back into his classroom. "Everyone listen up!" Scar said while raising his voice.

The loud talking from the students turned into mumbling, confused by the sudden call for them to listen. It wasn't normal for their teacher to raise his voice, so they probably already knew something was going on. Confused and worried faces all turned to Scar, waiting for him to continue speaking. He pointed at the window and began to speak; "Can someone close that for me?" He asked and immediately saw one of the black haired boys, called Cody, stand up and walk over to the window to close it without hesitation. "Now, everyone listen closely. There's no need to panic, I need everyone to get their belongings because there's no way im letting you all leave them behind.. it's a weird rule anyway." There was a quiet giggle coming from the students, not sure if they were allowed to laugh during this situation, even if they had no idea what it was about.

Scar patiently waited for his students to pack their belongings, the sound of zippers opening and closing filled the classroom. "Has everyone got their stuff?" He asked. People nodded at him quietly. "Alright, everyone follow me out of the building please," Scar said and glided over to the door, looking over his shoulder to make sure every single one of his students was following him down into the school's hallway. He silently guided them to the main entrance of the building, since that's the best way to avoid the science lab. It was located in the right wing of the school, far to the back. Scar turned around to face the students, counting to see if everyone was there. He gazed through the crowd and counted twenty-eight students. Luckily, that was the right amount. No student from his class had been left behind.

"Sir!" Someone yelled. Scar figured it wasn't directed towards him, so he ignored it, watching as the last couple of students walked out the two glass double doors of the school. "Sir!" Someone yelled again, hurried footsteps becoming louder each second. Scar decided to turn around, maybe someone did need his help. While he turned around, he saw a figure running towards him. He couldn't identify the person, since the sun was shining in Scar's eyes. "Mr. Batchelor is still in the building!" They yelled. "What? Okay, uhm.. don't panic! I'll get him out of there!" Scar responded unsure what to actually do. Tango hadn't told him what this "accident" actually was... But since he was so worried about it, Scar had assumed it was quite bad. And now his coworker Grian was still in the building, while everyone else was outside, teachers included. Scar reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. Clicking on the side of the device to make it come to life, the screen filling with colorful squares as he entered his password. He searched for his contacts and dialed the number he was looking for and let the phone ring.

"Cub, we have a problem." Scar said.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now