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HotGuy sighed as he sat down next to CuteGuy on one of the abandoned buildings that looked over the city. He was glad that CuteGuy was back, he didn't question why he had been gone. "Were you okay?" HotGuy decided to ask instead. CuteGuy turned his head to look at him. "What do you mean "were"?" He asked with a confused look on his face. He rested his black and pink wings behind himself. "Oh," He responded to his own question shortly after, realizing what HotGuy had actually asked. "So, were you?" HotGuy continued. He saw CuteGuy turning his gaze towards the city underneath them, following the trails of the tiny people.

"Yeah," He replied as he lowered his head. HotGuy knew he was lying. Every time CuteGuy lied to him he would lower his head, like an automatic movement of some sort of guilt for lying to someone. It hurt him that CuteGuy somehow still didn't trust him. "Liar." CuteGuy looked at him annoyed. "I hate you," he murmured. "I know you love me!" HotGuy happily teased and gave CuteGuy a nudge with his elbow. And I love you. HotGuy quietly added in his mind. "You're way too full of yourself," CuteGuy sighed disappointedly. For a few moments they sat there in silence, looking down into the city. The sun was almost fully gone, making way for the moon on the opposite side.

"You love the sunset don't you?" CuteGuy suddenly asked, letting out a small chuckle at his recent observation of HotGuy who was looking at the sunset like it was the most important thing in the whole wide world. "Yes I do," HotGuy replied with a soft smile of his face. "Wanna know why?" He added with more of a grin forming on his face. CuteGuy knew he was planning something, but decided to play along. "Sure, why do you love the sunset so much?" He proceeded to ask. "Because it's as gorgeous as you," HotGuy stated as he smiled proudly, his cheeks heating up a bit when realizing he had actually said that to the person he loved. CuteGuy noticeably rolled his eyes and laughed silently.

The peaceful moment was suddenly disrupted by a distant yell coming from the city below them, followed by Cub who asked what was going on through his earpiece, making HotGuy jump once again. But HotGuy didn't know either. He quickly stood up and let his gaze glide over the distant streets, trying to gain knowledge of the situation. He wanted to look at CuteGuy as a cry for help, but before he knew it, CuteGuy took his hand. Blush crept on HotGuy's face, trying to understand why all of this was happening. "Ready?" CuteGuy suddenly asked. "Ready? Ready for what?" HotGuy exclaimed with confusion and slight panic in his voice. In a matter of seconds CuteGuy dragged him over the edge, spreading his wings while picking up HotGuy in the process, reassuring him that it was gonna be a safe landing. Saying that HotGuy was freaking out would be an understatement.

"A woman just got robbed on Rosefield Street, get there as soon as possible," Cub informed HotGuy through his earpiece. Answering his own question from before. Meanwhile CuteGuy safely put him on the ground. Thank god for that. He was still alive. They ran towards the street the woman got robbed at, it was only a few blocks away. In the meantime HotGuy filled CuteGuy in on what had happened. Various people already pulling out their phones and filming them asking the woman for a description of the person who robbed her. While she gave a description, CuteGuy used his wings to fly higher into the air to locate the robber. Since it hadn't happened very long ago, they couldn't have made it far.

"Got eyes on them!" CuteGuy said as he signaled HotGuy to come with. He quickly thanked the woman while again, running towards the place where CuteGuy had spotted the robber. "I'll catch up to them, find a way to block the way they're going," HotGuy said. CuteGuy gave him a determined nod and quickly flew off. While still running HotGuy saw the guy, purple purse still in his hand. He pulled out his bow, catching CuteGuy hovering above the end of the street in the process. He dropped down, light and dark pink bow in hand. HotGuy did the same, making sure the robber had no where to go. He quickly but carefully placed an arrow on his orange and blue colored bow, threatening to shoot if the robber didn't stop running.

They swiftly looked over their shoulder, giving HotGuy a disgusted look. When they turned their head again to face infront of themselves, they were surprised by the smaller hero standing in their way. "Drop the purse," CuteGuy said with a serious look on his face, pointing his bow at him. The robber came to a stop, realizing they didn't have anywhere to go. Before he could give in, HotGuy snatched the purse from behind, it made the robber turn around to face him, giving CuteGuy the perfect opportunity to pin them to the ground without hesitation. "Suspect down!" HotGuy said cheerfully as he pushed his earpiece to fill Cub in on the news.


They dragged the robber with them and handed them to the police. HotGuy watched as they shoved them into the police car, blue and red lights flashing through the dark streets. He gave the woman her purse back while she thanked them for returning it. "It's our job," HotGuy reassured her, letting her know it was no problem. In a matter of seconds after ending the conversation with the owner of the purse, reporters swarmed around him. "What is going to happen to the robber?" Someone asked. "How did you catch them?" Another person asked. "Did you and CuteGuy team up to take this person down?" HotGuy found himself surrounded by different types of microphones, multiple expensive looking cameras and lots of people desperately looking for an answer to their question.

Cub had always told him not to interfere with the media, unless he told him to. HotGuy was looking for an excuse to escape the crowd, seeing CuteGuy talking to a reporter. "I don't have time everyone," he quickly lied, quick lies hurt less. That's atleast what HotGuy always thought. He wasn't sure if the reporters would even care about his lie, probably already used to it from the many times HotGuy had tried to escape the drowning lot of questions. He pushed his way through the crowd towards CuteGuy. But soon enough he flew off, leaving the reporter that was interviewing him alone. Great. HotGuy thought as he sighed and accepted the fact that the reporters would not leave him alone. And that CuteGuy, once again, left him alone to suffer.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now