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HotGuy and CuteGuy patiently waited on the roof tops. Cub had told them they had to attend at some event. They both didn't want to go, but they knew they had to. He wasn't quite sure what kind of event Cub had signed them up for, but he knew that there were going to be a ton of reporters, photographers and other people, that was always the case. "Oh god no.." CuteGuy suddenly said. He hadn't talked to HotGuy since he was scrolling on his phone. "What's up?" HotGuy asked, excited to finally talk to someone. CuteGuy tapped on his screen to make the video stop, and raised his phone so HotGuy could see. "Upcoming events: HotGuy & CuteGuy meet with their fans!" He read. "What!? I didn't sign up for that!" HotGuy yelled.

"Neither did I!" They both looked at each other with confusion, trying to think of a way to avoid this whole event. "I don't trust this for one bit.." CuteGuy mumbled, his wing twitching as he did. HotGuy silently dug around in his head to think of an excuse. Calling in sick? No, that wouldn't be an option. He was never sick, it would be suspicious for him to call in sick on an event that he didn't want to go to. That's why Cub hadn't told them what the event was for, so the wouldn't back out hours before. Now they only had thirty minutes or so left to come up with a valid excuse. They both knew fans were going to ask weird things, ask them to do weird stuff. The only thing they didn't mind was taking pictures with people, HotGuy quite enjoyed taking pictures with fans and signing items for them, as long as they didn't ask him to do stuff that made him uncomfortable. Some people just don't know when to stop.

"I could tell Cub I can't go because of my stab wound," HotGuy offered. It could've been a good excuse if he hadn't been so stubborn to keep working. "What about me? Do I have to suffer alone?" CuteGuy asked, throwing his arms in the air. He was right, HotGuy didn't want CuteGuy to suffer at an event like that. He didn't want CuteGuy to suffer at all, even if he did that to him all the time. "Then I guess we'll have to suffer.." HotGuy sighed and stretched as he stood up. He quickly realized he still had a stab wound and groaned while covering his side with his scarred hand. "You're stupid for not resting," CuteGuy said when he noticed HotGuy. "I'm in perfectly fine shape!" He said while throwing his hands up in the air in surrender. Which was a big mistake. HotGuy kept accidentally pulling at the wound, which made it sting, like the knife had been pushed into the same wound again. "Ugh."

"Hm.. alright," CuteGuy replied, looking at him with a smug grin on his face. He turned around and started walking away, towards the small stairs with lots of safety railing that went all the way up and down the building. HotGuy had just embarrassed himself infront of CuteGuy once more, and he still had the whole evening to go through at this event. "I won't wanna go," HotGuy whined while following CuteGuy to the bottom of the building. "You're the one that caused all the weird questions, so accept the consequences of your actions." HotGuy saw CuteGuy's wing twitch. He couldn't help but wonder why that happened so often. He had seen it many times before, but never really thought much of it. Maybe it was the wind getting between his feathers? HotGuy didn't really know how wings worked, well, only that you could fly with them, but that's where the knowledge about wings and avians stop.


HotGuy and CuteGuy were placed very close next to each other by some fancy looking guy. They were in front of a huge piece of wood, a picture of the city placed on top of it. HotGuy knew they had to take pictures with fans here. He could kill Cub right now, he knew how much he hated these kind of things. The uncomfortable questions spoiled it for him, even though CuteGuy claimed it was his fault. It kind of was. It was more like a meet and greet, have a little talk, sign some stuff and take a picture, that's what the fancy people in suits said. "The event is officially starting in five minutes!" One of the guys called out to them. He had light brown hair, wearing, like everyone else, one of those fancy suits. HotGuy prayed that the first person they would meet wouldn't ask a weird question. Hopefully no questions at all. He never thought it was easy replying to them, always signaling CuteGuy to help him, even though CuteGuy probably thought he always had something to say. That's only the case when he's with people he has known longer and feels comfortable around.

HotGuy saw the first people walking in, they looked quite young, but not much younger than them. He quickly shot a nervous look at CuteGuy, who looked at him too. There was confidence in his eyes, mixed with assurance, to promise it would be okay. HotGuy was sure he also saw the same look in his eyes when he told him the weird questions were his fault. "You suck," CuteGuy muttered under his breath, making sure the people walking their way wouldn't hear, he knew HotGuy had seen the same look in his eyes from earlier. "Love you too," HotGuy muttered in response winking at him in the process. CuteGuy gave him an annoyed look, but quickly changed his mood for the people, they were now almost standing infront of them. "Oh my god hi!" The guy infront of them said, excitement sparkling in his eyes. HotGuy awkwardly waved at them while both of them gave him a hug. "Can I take a picture with you?" CuteGuy nodded.

Lots of conversations went the exact same way as the first one. They both signed lots of things and took lots of pictures. HotGuy still didn't understand how someone could actually be a fan of him, it felt quite weird. The next people that were in like to take pictures with the two heroes were two girls, one had black hair, the other was brunette. HotGuy immediately recognized her, and CuteGuy seemed to too, because his wing twitched. It was the girl that took the video of them, the video where he called CuteGuy "darling". No, no, no, no.. HotGuy silently thought. If anyone was going to ask them weird questions, it would definitely be her.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now