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Grian slowly opened his eyes. He was surround by a dull looking room, various equipment surrounding him. He took a closer look at his surroundings and himself. Different wires were attached to his arms, aswel as a gray looking box clipped onto his right hand finger. Two clear tubes running into his nose, providing him with extra oxygen. He suddenly felt an agonizing pain in his head, like a headache, but worse. It finally hit Grian that he was in a hospital. How did I get here..? He thought to himself. He heard the door of his room click open and saw a nurse walking in. She had dark brown hair, neatly put into a bun on the back of her head. "Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked gently. Grian thought that was a great question. Because he didn't know how he was feeling, he couldn't feel anything accept the pain that felt like someone was poking him in the head with a knife.

But of course he told her that he felt "fine", a word that was easy to hide behind. The dark brown haired woman looked at him with understanding in her eyes, preparing another question for him. "There's someone who would like to see you, are you okay with that?" Grian caught a glimpse of a person with dark brown hair outside of his room, he could see because of a giant window that gave everyone opportunity to look. So people had probably looked at Grian while he was sleeping. It gave him an uneasy feeling, but told the nurse that she could let the person in. "Alright," she said in response and murmured something to the person that was outside. They, what looked like, nodded and glided through the door.

Grian was surprised when he saw it was Scar who came through the door. A bouquet of flowers resting on his lap so he could move his wheelchair. Grian felt his cheeks heat up, no way that the person he had a crush on for ages just brought him flowers. "Hey G, just wanted to come by and see how you were feeling," Scar said caringly. "Still alive," Grian responded with a small chuckle. His eyes found their way to Scar's, he could never stop admiring his deep emerald green eyes. "Well, I got these for you," Scar said to break the silence. He glided over, closer to Grian's hospital bed and carefully handed him the flowers.

Grian took a closer look at them. There were bright red roses, some white lilly of the valley flowers sticking out between them. Another couple of pink and white flowers that Grian didn't know the name of, were also in the bouquet. "Scar, this is gorgeous, thank you so much!" Grian said as he gave his coworker a smile. He was always so sweet to Grian, that's probably why he couldn't move on. "No worries, let me know if you need anything," Scar told him in response. For a few moments they just smiled at each other. It felt nice not having to speak, without it being awkward. That was another thing Grian liked about Scar, he always lit up the room, made every conversation less awkward. Grian's eyes followed the outlines of the scars on his face, they made Scar look so unique, Grian always thought the scars were gorgeous.

"So.. how did I get here?" Grian slowly asked, realizing he never actually got told why he was in the hospital. Grian could see Scar getting less excited, more of a sad look started to appear on his face. "Well, there had been an accident in the science lab.." Scar started. "Tango wouldn't tell me what it was at first, so there would be less chaos. It turned out to be a poisonous gas leak, and when everyone was out of the building, you were still in it." Grian looked at Scar confused. "How did I even survive that? How long was I in there for?"

"Not sure, but you won't believe it, the one and only HotGuy saved you!" He chuckled. "Watched it with my own eyes!" He proudly said and put his hands on his thighs. Grian couldn't believe what he was hearing. HotGuy had saved him, without knowing that he had actually saved CuteGuy, but as his second life. Well, technically his first, since being a superhero came later in life. Grian was always living two lives, he was known as two different people; Grian and CuteGuy. "Was Mumbo there to witness it?" Grian chuckled. Everyone knew Mumbo was a huge fan of HotGuy, since he was also a teacher at the same school as Grian and Scar, all of his coworkers called him a fangirl. Which was definitely correct, Mumbo proudly said it himself.

Grian couldn't help but smile while Scar went on talking about how Grian got saved by HotGuy, how everyone reacted and that everyone was really worried about him. Especially Jimmy. Jimmy is Grian cousin, he also worked at the school. Scar described in great detail how everything went down, filling Grian in on the situation that had happened. But he was zoned out, not really hearing a single word Scar said. Just admiring the person that was infront of him. Most of the time he couldn't really do that, because they were always working, always doing something. But this time Grian couldn't really do something, except listening to what Scar was saying, but it's not like he was really doing that. The sudden sound of someone calling him made him snap out of his trance. "Are you alright?" Grian saw Scar asking, with a worried look on his face. "Yeah, just a weird headache," Grian assured him, flashing him a smile in the process.

Scar's expression changed. "I think I'll have to go now, you should get some rest." He said. And he was right, he's almost always right, as annoying as it was sometimes. Grian didn't want Scar to go, but he wasn't going to tell him that. It always felt like a piece of him was missing when Scar left. Grian responded with a small nod, thanking him another time for the flowers. "Get better soon!" Scar happily smiled and grabbed the steel outline on the wheels of his wheelchair to push himself forward. Grian watched as Scar left his room. The room turned dull again, and Grian let out a sigh as he tried to rest.

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