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"Just turn yourself in, you can't go anywhere." CuteGuy heard HotGuy say, his bow hovering towards the person he was speaking to. The man tried to make a run for it, but CuteGuy stopped him. He spread his wings to block his entire escape route. "I wouldn't try that if I were you," CuteGuy advised him, pointing at HotGuy. "He never misses," he whispered in the man's ear. CuteGuy saw HotGuy smirking, pointing the arrow in his bow towards the man and pretended to aim for a more dramatic effect. CuteGuy couldn't help but chuckle at his move, they knew each other too well.

Somehow he still didn't want to listen, desperately looking for another way out. HotGuy seemed to notice him still trying to get away, so he shot an arrow right next to him. The man flinched. "Warning shot." HotGuy said with a smug expression om his face. "Go to hell," the man muttered under his breath, giving the both of them a disgusted look. "Can't promise." HotGuy said. "You will both go to hell," the man continued. CuteGuy was afraid he knew where this was going. "HotGuy don-" he tried to stop HotGuy from questioning it, afraid of the outcome. He knew HotGuy always wanted to respond, always wanted to pick a fight he knew he could win without violence. CuteGuy wasn't so sure about the "without violence" part right now, but he was too late. "And why's that?" HotGuy interrupted him, crossing his arms over his chest. He was waiting for an answer, genuinely curious what this man was gonna say.

"Because you're both gay aren't you? The media says you two are dating. That's disgusting... All gay people go to hell. They deserve to be there." CuteGuy knew it. He knew this man was gonna say this stupid nonsense. No one deserved to go to hell, no one except for him. CuteGuy saw HotGuy freeze up, unable to move or say anything in response. "HotGuy you know that's not true," CuteGuy tried to explain, hoping it would get through his head that not everything these kinds of people say is true. He didn't dare to move, just staring at the ground, or the man infront of him, CuteGuy wasn't quite sure.

The man looked pleased with HotGuy's reaction to what he had said. CuteGuy felt fury build up, how could a person say something like that? But before he could say or do anything, HotGuy took a step forward, making the man give him a confused look. CuteGuy held his breath. Whatever HotGuy was planning on doing, it probably wasn't a good idea. He suddenly but swiftly gave the man a punch in his face, once, once but with full force. "The only person who really deserves to go to hell is you," HotGuy told him, and silently walked off. CuteGuy watched in shock as the man covered his nose. Blood drips slowly exposing themselves from underneath his hands. CuteGuy didn't care about turning him in at the police station anymore. He ran after HotGuy instead.

He saw him sitting on the rooftop of a building, his legs dangling over the edge. CuteGuy silently sat next to him. One of his wings wrapped around HotGuy's body, pushing him into a hug with the smaller hero. HotGuy shakily sighed, accepting the hug while resting his head on CuteGuy's shoulder. His orange and blue visor tilting to the side as he did. CuteGuy felt bad for him, but he was also scared of losing him, since he'd just done something that's unacceptable. "You have to try and stay calm, you know that right?" CuteGuy softly said, so soft that it was almost turning into a whisper. "I know."

"You could lose your job," He turned to look at HotGuy, his head still leaning against his shoulder. His dark brown hair softly moving with the wind. "Don't remind me.." he sniffled, moving closer towards CuteGuy. "Are you.. crying?" CuteGuy asked hesitantly. He had never seen HotGuy cry. It felt weird, seeing him cry over such a small thing. But apparently it wasn't that small to him. Which made CuteGuy wonder, it would explain the way he had been acting towards him. He saw a tear flowing down from under his visor, and HotGuy didn't respond. "It's okay," CuteGuy said instead, not forcing him to give an answer to his question. They silently sat next to teach other, CuteGuy eventually resting his head on HotGuy's.

"I think it's time to bring you home," CuteGuy gently said. He was surprised the media hadn't gotten word from that man yet, exposing HotGuy for losing his temper. But on the other side, he couldn't casually tell some reporters why HotGuy and CuteGuy were after him. But one way or another their bosses would figure out what happened, and there was no doubt he was gonna get in trouble for this, people had told them before getting this job, making sure you wouldn't lose your temper in heated situations. CuteGuy just hoped he would get away with it without losing his job. He didn't know what he would do without him by his side.

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