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HotGuy realized that CuteGuy wasn't gonna be here in one second, which could be fatal. This man would not hesitate to kill him. The sound of a door loudly crashing closed made both of them look up. HotGuy guessed that CuteGuy wasn't as cautious as him, based on the loud noises that were coming from the living room. HotGuy felt the grip on his arm loosen. He took the opportunity, quickly but swiftly he raised his arm, punching the guy in the face. He was dumbfounded, but fell off of HotGuy. They both immediately stood up, locking eyes with each other. The man lunged at him again, knife still in his hand. HotGuy quickly dodged, giving him a punch in the stomach in the process. He turned around to face him again, but before HotGuy could properly turn around, the man pushed him to the ground.

They both fell on the floor. HotGuy saw his bow laying in the ground next to him. He knew he could grab it and put an end to this fight. He reached over, but the robber noticed what he was trying to do and grabbed HotGuy's wrist, pinning his arm to the ground. Whilst he did that, HotGuy noticed he had only gotten a hold of his right arm, which meant he had the rest of his body to knock him off. He used his left arm to give the man a hard shove with his elbow, right between his ribs. Yet the kitchen knife was still firmly attached to his hand. The man wasted no time and knocked HotGuy over again, the knife coming too close for comfort. He felt a tingling sensation in his side, probably from the adrenaline. He had never had someone threaten him with a knife before. The suspect moved the knife to his eye, HotGuy realized that if CuteGuy didn't come right now, he'd lose his eye.

The man raised the knife, ready to stab HotGuy's eye out. He suddenly pulled away and fell off of HotGuy, an arrow with light and dark pink at the end buried in the man's shoulder. HotGuy looked up towards the door. It was CuteGuy, he had saved him from going half blind. He flashed him an appreciative smile and quickly stood up to grab the suspect by his arms and moved them around his back, to cuff him. "What took you so long?" HotGuy asked while taking the man out of the room to give him to the police officers outside, they somehow always managed to show up too late. He heard GuteGuy following him down the stairs. "Honestly I thought you would win, so I just watched until he almost stabbed your eye out," he responded calmly.

He had literally watched them beat each other up, like some action television show. He handed the man over to the police, and they both watched as he got pushed into one of the police cars, that drove away to the police station as soon as he was in. "HotGuy, I think you're bleeding.." CuteGuy suddenly said. "What?" HotGuy questioned, not sure if he had heard him right. CuteGuy walked to his right side and pulled up HotGuy's shirt, to reveal a bloody wound on his side. "Hey! You can't just pull up a man his shirt!" HotGuy exclaimed, shifting his gaze from CuteGuy to his side. "Oh," Blood dripped down from the wound onto his pants, forming dark patches on the fabric. "Oh ew," HotGuy said as he realized what he was looking at, and quickly turned his head in the opposite direction.

"What? Scared of blood?" CuteGuy said, making fun of him, while inspecting the stab wound. HotGuy didn't respond, it was none of his business. "You shouldn't have accepted this job if you're scared of blood," CuteGuy responded for him. "Who said I was scared of blood?" HotGuy said, accidentally looking at the wound again when he faced CuteGuy to tell him that he wasn't afraid of blood. He quickly looked away while gagging, covering it with his elbow. Obviously failed. CuteGuy let out a small chuckle. HotGuy felt the wound sting, he didn't know what CuteGuy was doing with it, but he didn't think he wanted to know. He flinched everytime the blonde hero touched it.

"Done," he said and let go of HotGuy's shirt, making the fabric fall against the bandage that CuteGuy had put around his waist. HotGuy saw him put some, what looked like medical stuff, bank into a small white plastic box. "Do you just casually keep a med kit in your pocket..?" HotGuy asked, giving CuteGuy a confused look. "You should still go visit the hospital, what I put on it isn't gonna fix the wound," he said instead of answering HotGuy's question. He looked up and took a look around. "Shit." He muttered under his breath. "What? What's wrong?" HotGuy asked, looking around to. CuteGuy pointed to people with their phones out, they've probably filmed the whole thing. Even one or two reporters were pointing their high quality cameras at them. "Well, goodluck!" CuteGuy happily said, stretched his wings and flew up into the air. "Hey! Don't leave me I'm wounded!" HotGuy yelled disappointedly.

CuteGuy turned to face him mid air, he probably heard what HotGuy had said. HotGuy hoped that he would fly back down, but instead CuteGuy winked at him and flew up onto the roof of an office building. HotGuy gave him an annoyed look. CuteGuy had left him alone again, as annoying as it was, he luckily didn't do that when he actually needed help. For example, when his eye almost gets stabbed out, and he appreciated that.

He tried to walk away, get away from the pairs of eyes burning on his back. But the stab wound didn't want him to walk, he felt a stinging pain shooting through his side. He immediately held his side with his hand and let out a groan. He wasn't going anywhere without CuteGuy's help and he knew that. He shot CuteGuy another annoyed look and accepted his faith. The few reporters amongst the crowd of citizens came running towards him. "How did you get hurt?" Multiple people asking; "What happened?" HotGuy closed his eyes and sighed, CuteGuy was certainly something. But that's what he loved about him.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now