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HotGuy and CuteGuy quickly walked out of the office looking building. They got out of that situation with quite a lot of luck, well, maybe it wasn't luck, but Cub who had saved them. HotGuy still found it weird why CuteGuy's job was suddenly also on the line because of his actions. Right when they walked out Cub texted him. "A robbery just happened a few blocks from here, go check it out." It read. He showed CuteGuy, who took his phone from his hand and read the message. "Alright, let's go," he said and handed the phone back to HotGuy. He silently followed CuteGuy, who seemed to know the way. HotGuy never really knew his way around the city, even though he had been working basically everywhere. He only knew when he was close to his apartment, and the supermarket, but that was it.

"It's this house," CuteGuy whispered while pointing at one of the houses in front of them. The house had a green door and a circle window at the very top of the front wall. "What about you wait outside of the house, so if they try to run from me, you can catch them. It's probably the best if you wait at the back door, that's the quickest escape route, which they're most likely to take." CuteGuy nodded and walked to his destination. He let HotGuy know he was in position by using the new radio thing Cub had given them. It was a small black box that they could clip onto their suit, you could use it to communicate if you clicked both of the sides at the same time. With that HotGuy approached the house, slowly walking up the few steps before arriving at the front door.

The door was slightly opened, the lock looking crooked and broken. Forced entry. HotGuy gently pushed the door further open. The small hallway came into view, the living room was located right behind it. He slowly walked over to the living room. Multiple drawers were taken out of their place, thrown messily across the floor. The stuff that HotGuy assumed was inside of the drawers were scattered across the room. He reached for his bow, he didn't know who he was dealing with. With his bow is his hand he scanned the room, looking behind the furniture to make sure the suspect didn't hide behind it to make a quick escape through the front door when HotGuy had his back turned.

No luck. HotGuy quickly but gently made his way over to the kitchen. This was such a gorgeous kitchen that HotGuy never wanted to leave. Or maybe buy this house just so he had this beautiful kitchen. But what wasn't so beautiful, was that one of the knives was missing from the wooden box where the other kitchen knives were in. The wooden block had six deep indents where the knives could perfectly be stored. And one was missing. Could the suspect have taken it to protect themselves from a situation like this? To threaten the police, or in this case two hero figures? Maybe it had to be cleaned and somebody had put it in the dishwasher? HotGuy silently tried all the cabinets, trying to find the dishwasher. This was one of those kitchens where the dishwasher blended in with the rest of the cabinets, making it impossible for visitors to help with the dishes without asking for any help. That was the only thing HotGuy didn't like about this kitchen.

With each cabinet he opened, he held his bow more firmly. Maybe the person inside of this house did grab a knife. HotGuy finally found the dishwasher on the very right of the kitchen. He quickly opened it, but did not find the missing kitchen knife. HotGuy reached for that new radio communication thing and held the both buttons on the side. "The suspect most likely has a kitchen knife on them," he informed CuteGuy. "Do you want me to come in?" CuteGuy's voice came through the device. "Not yet, the downstairs is clear." HotGuy responded. He searched for the stairs, which he found in the corner of living room. They were made from dark wood, and HotGuy hoped it wasn't one of those type of stairs to creak if any type of weight was put on top of it. He made his way to the stairs, gently pushing more of his weight onto the steps to make sure they wouldn't creak and let the suspect know someone was after him.

Before HotGuy reached the top, he pulled an arrow out of the quiver on his back, and placed it on the string of his bow. Now if this person would suddenly lunge at him with the missing kitchen knife, he could somewhat protect himself. HotGuy slowly got up to the top of the stairs, scanning the hallway, bow steadily ready next to him. Multiple doors were left open, from what he could see the rooms were left in the same state as the living room. Drawers on the floor with their insides scattered across the room. Luckily the robber had saved him time, since HotGuy could see them searching through the drawers of the night stand in the bedroom furthest down the hall. They seemed to rush through all the stuff, trying to find the goods they were looking for, the goods that would actually be worth breaking into a house for.

In their left hand they were holding some bracelets, using that same hand to dig through the mountain of stuff they had thrown out of the drawers, onto the floor. HotGuy narrowed his eyes to see what this person was holding in their right hand. More valuables? He couldn't quite make out what they were holding, because the door frame blocked part of his view. Luckily they moved to the second pile on the floor, and HotGuy could see that they were holding the missing kitchen knife. That wasn't so lucky. "Drop the knife," HotGuy said while aiming his bow at the robber. He saw them visibly flinch at the sudden sound of someone's voice, but slowly turned around, facing HotGuy. They had brown eyes and brown hair, tightly gripping the knife in their hand. "What if I don't?" They said, giving HotGuy a daring look.

"I'll shoot if you don't surrender." HotGuy responded, giving them their own daring look back. He sounded way more confident than he actually was. They rolled their eyes at him and quickly moved to the left, away from the door, using the wall as a shield. But HotGuy knew there was a window there, they could possibly use that to escape. so he lowered his bow and ran into the room. He quickly scanned the right side, then the left side. But when he did the brunette man threw his bow out of his hands, lunging at him with the knife right after he did. HotGuy reached for the mini radio on his chest. "Backup please!" He shouted with a hint of panic in his voice. The man pinned him to the ground, holding the knife up against his throat while threatening to murder him. HotGuy tried to force his legs up, but when she noticed what he tried to do, he pulled the knife even closer to his throat. HotGuy could feel the cold metal of the knife up against his throat. He desperately looked around for a way out, but he had no where to go.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now