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Hii, so this is obviously not a chapter, but I just wanted to share that I went and started writing this book only because I had an ending in mind for it.

Because I only had the ending planned out, this story doesn't really have a plot. Which makes it uninteresting and boring.. I realized this a couple days ago and now I'm not sure what to do.

I can either cut this book short, or begin a different book using the ending that I had actually planned for this book. I kind of don't want to waste the ending on cutting this book short 😭.

But if I were to start a new book, can someone please give me ideas for a plot because I actually suck at figuring out a plot... It can literally be anything, just keep in mind that it will be Scar X Grian (probably also HotGuy and CuteGuy).


1. Cut this book short
2. Start a new book with the ending that was supposed to be for this book
3. Rewrite this book entirely

(For each option please leave a suggestion for a plot 😭👎🏻.)

That's all, thank you very much :)

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