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The next day Scar had woken up to atleast a thousand messages from Cub. Angry messages. He had been caught up with the news and texted him immediately, that's what one of his thousand messages said. One of his last texts he'd sent read: "come in your work attire, CuteGuy will be here too. He's also in trouble, and because of you, so am I." Scar knew exactly what happened, he shouldn't have lost his cool like that. He wish he could go back in time to try again, fix his mistake, even though that person really did deserve that punch. He probably deserved way more than just one punch in the face.


HotGuy and CuteGuy silently sat next to each other infront of Cub's desk, waiting for him to speak, the break the icy silence. HotGuy didn't think he'd ever been in a more awkward situation, since Cub asked them both to come here, just for him to not say anything. He seemed too busy with different kinds of papers on his desk, clearing his throat multiple times in the process. Maybe it was a silent hint for one of them to start talking, but none of them dared to say a word. "I don't want to swear, because that wouldn't be professional.." Cub began, taking a deep breath while fixing his eyes on HotGuy. "But you actually fucked up," he added. HotGuy glanced back at him, throat dry, unable to move. He didn't know what to say. He already knew he fucked up. That wasn't news to him.

But HotGuy didn't have to answer, because Cub didn't let him. "Because you got yourself into trouble, I am in trouble. I am responsible for your actions." CuteGuy silently gave a look in HotGuy's direction, not trying to make it too obvious he was looking his way. HotGuy cleared his throat awkwardly, holding his hand infront of his mouth as he did. "Uhm.. sorry?" HotGuy said it with more of a questioning tone than he would've liked, but now he had already said it, painfully waiting for Cub to give him a lecture about questioning if he had to say sorry. "Sc-!" Cub quickly covered his mouth, realizing what just almost slipped out of his mouth. So caught up in the situation that he'd almost said HotGuy's real name infront of CuteGuy. "Now you're the one that almost fucked up," HotGuy muttered under his breath, grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't you act so smart," Cub sighed at him. HotGuy quickly shot a look at CuteGuy, trying to read his face to figure out if he heard what Cub said. The first letters of my name. HotGuy silently thought to himself. He wasn't able to read CuteGuy's face, his face worked weird. HotGuy could never seem to be able to read his face, which was weird for the amount of time they've been together and known each other. Or HotGuy just sucked at reading peoples faces. That was probably the most logical reason. "And you," Cub continued, making HotGuy snap his eyes back to him. Cub turned to CuteGuy, his gaze hardend. "Why didn't you stop him?"

"How was I supposed to know he was gonna punch that man in the face?" CuteGuy exclaimed with a confused expression on his face, or was it surprised? HotGuy couldn't tell. But he did agree with CuteGuy, why was it suddenly his fault that HotGuy punched someone in the face? That didn't make sense. "Why is it suddenly his fault?" HotGuy asked. "He's with you twenty-four seven, he could've stopped you couldn't he?" Cub responded, his response sounding like a police officer asking questions about a murder investigation. It made HotGuy imagine Cub in the uniform of an officer, which made him snort. Cub noticed and shot him a warning look, letting him know that he was getting on his nerves.

"I hope you know I quite literally saved you from losing your job," Cub proudly said, running his fingers through his hair. There was still a hint of anger in his voice, but HotGuy knew he couldn't actually be mad for much longer, that's how unserious they were outside of work. "Guess there's a new superhero in town," HotGuy said, pretending to be surprised. He heard CuteGuy chuckle at his comment. "And this isn't a town, it's a city, HG." Cub pointed out. HotGuy responded with a disappointed "hey" as he threw his hands up in surrender. "The government said that if you do something like this one more time, they'll find someone to take your place," Cub said. He spoiled the moment.

"They'll never find someone as good as me!" HotGuy proudly exclaimed, trying to hide the fact that he was worried. He was probably easily replaceable, that's what he thought. He hoped no one saw the expression on his face, worried about what Cub had just said, but also worried that someone would see that he was actually worried, so he was double worried. And that probably didn't make a great expression. "Not to mention the videos of you two online," Cub coughed out, spoiling the moment once again. HotGuy disappointedly let his back fall into the chair again. Why did he have to bring that up? "That's what led you to punch him wasn't it? I saw the comments." Guilty. HotGuy knew it, but he didn't dare to let his expression or movements give him away.

His gaze met Cub's, slowly blinking at him. "Just wanna clear the situation up," Cub said with a soft smile after he locked eyes his HotGuy. HotGuy silently stared at him, he hadn't even told CuteGuy about it yet, not like he was going to. He quickly shot a look at CuteGuy, who was, unfortunately, also looking at him with curiosity in his eyes, just like Cub. But Cub's gaze wasn't as soft as CuteGuy's, his looked full of understanding, meanwhile Cub's looked like he would murder him if he answered his question, no matter what the answer was. "I'll take that as a yes?" Cub questioned, snapping HotGuy's attention back to him. He still couldn't answer properly, throat dry, so he desperately shook his head towards Cub. "It was out of context!" He managed to cough out. He hoped Cub would talk to him about it another time, or just never. Never was probably the best option. "Sure, calling someone darling on purpose is out of context!" Cub looked at him with a smug look on his face.

"Well.. are we done now?" CuteGuy said and finally broke the icy silence that somehow was still in the air, even during the time when they had that awkward conversation. "Yeah, just don't do this again," Cub said, he chuckled a bit. Maybe this was his attempt at ending it off nicely? Guess it was HotGuy's turn now. "I have one thing to say before we go, he deserved it and those videos are out of context," he said, a desperate attempt at making it look like the two situations weren't connected. CuteGuy turned to look at him, a mix of amusement and disappointment drawn on his face. "Those are two things, HotGuy."

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now