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Scar woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing against the wooden surface of his nightstand. He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them while he reached over to grab his phone. He clicked on the side to make it come to life, Jellie appearing on the background as he entered his password. But he didn't get any messages on this phone. So what had woken him up? He realized that his phone for work was in the drawer of his nightstand, so he figured it might have been CuteGuy who messaged him. The thought of CuteGuy messaging him when they weren't working, made Scar very excited.

He quickly put in the password and saw two messages from CuteGuy, confirming he was right. Was this finally the text Scar had been waiting for all along? Him confessing his feelings for him? Well.. his feelings for HotGuy, but that basically was him. He excitedly clicked on the notifications, making the screen jump over to his and CuteGuy's messages.

Look what you did! That girl
from yesterday had been
filming us and posted it on
social media!

• tap to view.


Scar tapped on the video. It popped up on his screen, showing a video of HotGuy calling CuteGuy "darling". After that a second video of them was attached to the first one. It was a video of him grabbing CuteGuy's hand and dragging him around the corner, then the video ended. He read the caption under the video. It said; "what do you think they went around the corner for?" With a couple of heart emoji's following the question. The video had hundreds and thousands of likes and comments. Scar didn't know how to feel, he didn't mind that half the city was speculating that they were dating, since he definitely didn't mind the idea. But this wasn't particularly good.

Scar decided to click on the comments, which was a bad idea. The comments were filled with people commenting all different kinds of heart emoji's, people saying "ship!", and can't forget about the homophobic slurs. Scar's eyes darted back and forth, hovering above the screen, reading the thousands of comments. Some people showing sympathy, calling the person out for recording the two heroes without permission. He liked those comments before mentally preparing himself and deciding to read the most liked comment. "176.8K" it read under the heart icon. Scar sighed, held his breath, and read the comment. "I bet they did it, right then and there!" Scar's eyes widened in shock. How could a person think that? Let alone 176.8 thousand people agreeing with them?

What was wrong with people? The thought of "it" had always disgusted him and now people were thinking that he had done that, with CuteGuy, on the street..? A cold shiver went down his spine. He didn't want people to think that!

Look what you did! That girl
from yesterday had been
filming us and posted it on
social media!

• opened.

I'm so so sorry!
I didn't think that
someting like this would
happen.. :(

It's fine, just make sure
you don't read the comments.



I'm sory

It's fine just don't
get any ideas.

I won't!!
See you later
"darling" ;)

You actually suck.


Scar grinned and shook his head. His messy hair covering parts of his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes, maybe they had betrayed him? It wouldn't be the first time his dyslexia got the best of him. He decided to look at the comments again, which was probably a mistake. He definitely didn't read the most liked comment wrong, but all of the homophobic comments caught his attention, too much of his attention. His eyes found their way to homophobic comment after homophobic comment. Was this really what the world thought of people like him?


Cub had also called him that morning, warning him to not take a look at the comments. But yet he still did, twice, to make it worse. The words that were written flashed through his mind for the rest of the day, making multiple of his coworkers ask if he was okay, since he always seemed to be in more of a cheery mood. Even some students asked if he was alright. Which, they never did, so Scar figured he must've really looked down today. But he knew it was all his own fault, if he didn't look at the comments a second time, he wouldn't have read all those homophobic comments.

He didn't realise what was going on, because Grian was suddenly standing beside him. "Are you okay, Scar?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice. "What? Me? Of course!" Scar tried to respond happily, but he failed miserably and looked to the ground in embarrassment. "You know it's okay to not be okay, right?" Grian reassured him. Scar suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't mind, it felt quite comforting. They stayed like that for a while, not saying anything. Until Scar took a shaky breath, giving himself away. "What's on your mind, Scar?" He asked caringly, giving Scar a soft smile.

"It's nothing, really," Scar responded. Using his scarred hands to gesture that everything was fine. "Well, just know you can always talk to me about it, whatever it is," Grian said and he silently walked off. It felt nice to have heard that, at home Scar only had Jellie to talk to, but would never get an answer. That's why he usually went to Cub, he wasn't a lot of help most of the time either, but at least he listened. Scar didn't have any more classes to teach today, so he decided to go home.


He opened the door to his apartment and saw Jellie instantly run over to him. She jumped on Scar's lap and purred while Scar stroked her gently. "Who's a good kitty?" He asked in a tone you would also use to talk to a baby. He glided over to the corner of his small living room, picking up his guitar. Jellie had already jumped off of Scar's lap and made her way to the couch. He gently laid his guitar down on his leg and started fiddling around with different tunes. Playing the guitar always made him feel better. It was like his escape from reality.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now