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After a couple of days Grian was slowly allowed to start working again. The first time he came home, Jimmy gave him such a tight hug that Grian felt like he might've just gone back to the hospital right then and there. But the best thing about finally being home again definitely wasn't his cousin Jimmy that lived in the same apartment as him, but Grian's two cats; Maui and Pearl. He had been bombarded with different kinds of flowers and chocolates from his coworkers, even some students. He also received various cards from his family, Grian was kind of upset that he couldn't tell his family in person, or just tell them himself. Now his family found out he was in the hospital because of the news. It felt weird, suddenly getting so much attention while being Grian. Usually he only got so much attention when he was living his second life. Scar had been overly caring for him, which made Grian fall for him even more than he had ever before.

Tango had apologized to him, Grian didn't think that was necessary since things like these can happen all the time, to anyone. He was just glad that he was still breathing. Death can't get me yet. Grian thought to himself. He has always believed that everything in life happens for a reason, so him almost dying must've been the plan. He hoped.


Grian sighed as the final bell rang on this first day back to teaching, letting the students know that school was over for today. He stuffed his computer in his bag along with some paperwork and threw the bag over his shoulder. He watched as the last students walked out of the classroom and into the hallway, Grian following them while closing the door behind him. His students had just made a test, so he had lots of work to do; grading their tests. Grian always liked to grade tests as fast as possible, he learned over the years that the students always quite appreciated that. He tried to make his way through the crowd of students, but failing miserably. Grian decided to wait on the side of the hall for a bit so he could safely and easily move through the halls.

Grian didn't like being close to other people, it made him feel uncomfortable. He stared at the pile of test papers for a while as he waited for the last couple of students to pass by. The hallways were now empty. Much better. Grian thought as he began walking towards the entrance of the building. He couldn't wait to go home, he was exhausted, and he didn't think he could hide his wings for much longer. Grian definitely couldn't expose his wings in public, since he was registered as a human being. That wasn't true though. That's why Grian sometimes liked his second life more. He could carelessly use his wings without people asking questions.

Grian decided to stop by the teachers lounge to let Jimmy know he was going home, and if he wanted to come with he had to come right now. He opened the door and called out for his cousin. "Jimmy, the boss is calling!" Tango told him with a giggle while taking another sip from his coffee cup. This wasn't the first time Tango called Grian that, that was probably because Grian was always the one to make almost every single decision. He was sometimes surprised by the fact no one had called him "the mrs" yet. But that was probably for the better, it would be weird if someone called him that. Especially because Jimmy is his cousin, a relative.

Grian watched with a wide grin as Jimmy rushed to put everything in his bag. Rushing a bit too much, cause he knocked over Scar's coffee cup. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Jimmy squealed as he desperately looked around for something to clean it up with. "It's okay don't worry about it," Scar replied, letting out a small chuckle. Grian couldn't help but smile, that's always what happened when he heard Scar laughing. It made him feel happy when he was happy. Jimmy nodded at him with a slight smile, thanking Scar. He turned around to look at Grian and walked over to him while saying goodbye to their coworkers.


Grian searched in his pockets for his keys, when he found them, he pushed the metal key through the lock and clicked it to the right. The door opened and led them to their apartment. "Jimmy, I need to talk to you," Grian said as he walked over to the kitchen counter to put down his keys. The jingling sound of them dying down as they touched the counter. "What's up?" Jimmy asked. Grian sighed and responded; "You're getting stressed too quickly. Do you want everyone to know you're an avian?" Jimmy's looked went from curious to annoyed very quickly. "I can't help it!" Jimmy said. "You were already stressed when you knocked over Scar's coffee cup! You shouldn't be stressing about things like that!" Grian responded. He knew Jimmy had way too much work on his hands, that's why he needed to take a break. Or atleast do less things at a time.

"You need to be aware that you're doing way too much at the same time." Jimmy looked at him, then looking down at the floor. Grian knew that he knew he was right. He was always right. "I know.. I'm sorry.." he murmured. Everytime Jimmy was stressed, he'd grow tiny feathers all over, meaning he could expose himself and Grian as non human. "It's alright Tim," Grian giggled. "Stop calling me Tim!" Jimmy yelled playfully.

"What's for dinner?" Grian asked while looking in Jimmy's direction. Jimmy was always the one that prepared dinner, since he liked to cook. Apparently that was different today, because he responded to Grian's question with: "Take out?" Grian giggled as he nodded in agreement.
"Pizza?" Jimmy asked.

[words: 1002]

Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now