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CuteGuy watched from a distance as HotGuy helplessly tried to make his way through the thick crowd of reporters. Guess they can catch you now. CuteGuy giggled to himself. Somehow HotGuy was still more popular when it came to the media, even though he never answered questions. CuteGuy sometimes answered some questions, like just now, a female reporter came up to him. They even asked if CuteGuy and HotGuy were a thing, claiming it was a question for their fans. While HotGuy probably wouldn't mind the idea, CuteGuy gave her a disgusted look and made sure they would never have to ask that particular question to any of them for the rest of eternity.

CuteGuy rested his wings behind him, leaning on the wall of a building, still watching HotGuy struggling to get through the crowd. He couldn't help but chuckle. HotGuy was helpless in situations like these, too kind to push them away, scared that he would accidentally hurt someone. The taller brunette was desperately looking for CuteGuy. But there was no way CuteGuy was going to help him get out of there. He loved watching HotGuy getting trapped by the media, him making swift hand gestures to let reporters know he wasn't answering questions.

Suddenly CuteGuy noticed something was moving behind him, making his wing twitch. He quickly turned around, bow ready in his hand. The sudden movement gave the person behind him a scare. He narrowed his eyes, taking a good look at the person behind him. "What are you doing..?" He asked suspiciously while tilting his bow up a bit. "Not so aggressive now, darling," A voice spoke from behind CuteGuy, he recognized the voice like no other, HotGuy had finally managed to get out of the crowd of swarming reporters. He laid his hand on CuteGuy's shoulder, making him flinch by the sudden touch.

"I told you to stop calling me that," CuteGuy said, still pointing his bow towards the now confused but somewhat excited person infront of him, not letting his gaze let go of her. He felt HotGuy moving closer behind him. "Never," HotGuy whispered in his ear, his warm breaths haunting CuteGuy's neck. CuteGuy watched as the girls eyes sparkled with excitement. "Are you two dating!?" She squealed. He immediately lowered his bow, looking at her dumbfounded. First that reporter, now her? How many people actually thought they were dating?

"No.. what do you mean?" CuteGuy asked to come off less harsh. He thought that maybe HotGuy would've said something, but he left CuteGuy to handle it. That was new, usually HotGuy always had something to say. "HotGuy this is all on you.." CuteGuy muttered under his breath so the girl couldn't hear. He already knew HotGuy had a wide grin across his face while watching silently. He probably knew he was right, since he literally had called him "darling" infront of this person a minute ago.

"Come on you have to be lying about that!" The girl laughed in response. This was getting weirder by the second. "Why would I?" CuteGuy asked, unsure what to do. Did this girl actually think they were dating? She had already made up a reason why to think CuteGuy and HotGuy were dating, cause she responded immediately. "To hide your relationship from the media! But you guys failed quite miserably.. everyone already knows!"
"We are not dating!" CuteGuy told her once again, more and more frustrated every time. He looked over his shoulder to see if HotGuy was planning on helping him, but he just stood there, watching with an amused expression and the widest smirk you could ever imagine.

His wing twitched again, but out of frustration this time. "Oh you definitely are, more than half the city ships you guys, so there's no need to hide it anymore!" She giggled and walked off. "Guess we have to make it official.." HotGuy coughed out behind him. The same stupid grin from earlier planted on his face. CuteGuy could punch him right now, it was after all his fault that the whole city thought they were dating. CuteGuy noticed the same girl still watching them from afar. What is she doing..? He thought to himself. He narrowed his eyes, observing her. Yet he couldn't figure out what she was still doing there, probably waiting for something to happen between them, so she would have evidence for her "dating" theory.

And just as CuteGuy proudly thought to himself that she was never getting what she was hoping for, HotGuy had also noticed her, because he grabbed CuteGuy's hand and dragged him along, walking in the opposite direction, away from the girl. "What are you doing!?" CuteGuy practically yelled at him. His wing twitched again. HotGuy didn't answer. "You know you're just giving that girl what she wants right? Confirming her theory!?" CuteGuy tried to get it through his head, but it didn't work. They turned around a corner on the end of the street, escaping the girls haunting gaze.

CuteGuy was glad to not be stared at anymore, but she literally just got what she wanted all along. Not to mention that she got two things she wanted. HotGuy sighed; "She was staring so much it was getting uncomfortable!" He said with an awkward smile. "So you really are as stupid as I thought," CuteGuy said and poked him between his ribs. "Hey! What was that for?" HotGuy asked as he covered the exact spot where he had just been poked with his scarred hand. What looked like an attempt at puppy eyes meeting CuteGuy's. "You suck." HotGuy laughed at his comment, making CuteGuy chuckle aswel.

CuteGuy tilted his head to watch the sky. Tiny stars were shining through the dark sky, this was his favorite moment of the day. "It's time for me to go," CuteGuy said, breaking the silence. As much as he wanted to keep looking at the beautiful night sky, his wings and himself were exhausted after today. HotGuy seemed a bit disappointed, but understood. "I'll see you later," he replied, giving CuteGuy a soft smile. "Bye," CuteGuy said playfully while waving, he stretched his wings and flew off into the air.

[1030 words]

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