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Scar was sitting behind his laptop, the class he was teaching got to work on their songs. And so did Scar, since he had promised he would also write and make a song for the class to listen to. Yesterday he went to the hospital to get the stab wound in his side checked when he escaped all the reporters. Even when he was bleeding they wouldn't leave him alone. Since he couldn't properly walk, he had no choice but to answer the questions that were thrown at him. After answering all the questions, some questions were even answered multiple times, CuteGuy finally found the tiny bit of sympathy he still had in him and helped Scar to get to the hospital. Luckily it wasn't too bad. The bell rang and the sounds of zippers filled the room. One class out, a different one in. He watched as the students sat down, waited for everyone to arrive and settle.

Scar glided from behind his desk to the front of the class. He explained what they were gonna do today, the exact same as the class before them, working on their songs. Someone raised their hand. "What's up?" Scar asked, giving them permission to speak. They looked worried, but they stayed silent for a while after Scar gave them permission to talk, like they had to find the right words. "Well.." they said hesitantly, but continued. "You have a little something on your shirt, I'm not quite sure what it is." Scar immediately looked down at his shirt. That "little something" his student just explained, was a huge blood stain. The amount of blood was too much for the bandage around the wound to handle. So much that it bled through his shirt, and he hadn't noticed. Shit. Scar couldn't look at it, if he would he would throw up. And that definitely wasn't on his bucket list to do in front of his students.

He didn't know what to do. The media had already picked up that HotGuy had been stabbed, which was all over the news. He couldn't risk to ask for help, but he didn't know how to deal with this since he's absolutely disgusted by blood. Scar knew that Grian didn't really catch up with the news much. So Grian was his only way out. "Go get Mr. Batchelor please," he said, slight panic in his voice. "If a teacher stops you for not having a hall pass, you can say it's for an emergency." The student that raised their hand got up and quickly walked out of the classroom. Scar noticed that the rest of the class was silently staring at him, at him and the bloodstain on his shirt. What if they figured out he was HotGuy? That definitely wouldn't be good. Panic rose up within him. This was going to be the end of his two separate lives, the end of his two jobs, the end of the endless theories about HotGuy's real identity. The mystery behind the superhero would finally be solved.

Scar heard the door click open, he immediately turned to it, desperately looking for Grian. He out of all of his coworkers was the only one that never really catched up with the news. He locked eyes with Grian, whose gaze was filled with worry. He hurried over to Scar when he saw the dark red stain on the fabric of his shirt. It definitely wasn't helping that Scar was wearing a white shirt. "Are you alright? What did you do?" Grian asked. "Don't ask, just please help.. I can't look at blood," Scar responded while turning his head the other way again, scared that he would accidentally look at the blood. "Alright." He felt Grian grab at the back of his wheelchair and move him out of the classroom, towards the hallway. Maybe if Scar hadn't been so stubborn and insisted on working with a stab wound in his side, this wouldn't have happened.

With out saying a word, Grian carefully pulled up Scar's shirt. He took a closer look at the bandage. "The bandage needs to be replaced," he said. "And your shirt.. do you have an extra with you?" Scar shook his head. He never thought about bringing a spare shirt, which he probably should've. But he was relieved Grian actually didn't ask how this happened, most people would keep asking questions, because this is quite concerning. He felt Grian carefully taking off the bandage that was circled around his waist. Scar groaned as the loose bandage stroked against the wound. "You should really consider being more careful with.. whatever got you this," Grian mumbled, focusing on getting a new bandage wrapped around Scar's waist. "I try," Scar tried to laugh it off, ignoring how much it actually hurt to replace the bandage.

"Done," Grian said and let loose of his shirt. Scar accidentally stared at the bloodstain, making him gag. "Oh, you can wear one of my shirts, let me just get that for you. It's in my bag, I'll be back in a sec." Scar watched as Grian walked towards his classroom, picking up the pace as he did. Scar was glad to have Grian as a coworker. He'd never met someone that cared for him as much as Grian did. He saw Grian coming out of the classroom with a black shirt in his hands. "Here," he said and handed it over to Scar. "Thank you, Grian. Seriously, I couldn't have done this on my own," Scar responded. "No problem, Scar. Go get changed," Grian said, walking back to his classroom. When he closed the door behind him, Scar checked if anyone was in the hallway. There wasn't, so he quickly pulled off his shirt to replace it with the black one.

He glided over to the door of his classroom, pushed the handle down and entered the classroom. The room filled with confused and worried whispers as Scar entered. "Alright, did everyone make some progress on their songs?" He asked. Some students quietly nodded, some just stared at him. But Scar understood, it was weird to suddenly see a huge bloodstain on the shirt of your teacher, meanwhile even the teacher was freaking out about it. Scar looked at the clock that was above the door. The bell was about to ring. And it did. He saw the students getting up from their seats, swarming towards the door to leave the classroom. Hopefully none of his students watched the news, or wouldn't put the pieces together.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now