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CuteGuy shot a look at HotGuy. He had recognized the girl in front of them aswel, now with company. "Hi, how are you guys doing?" CuteGuy quickly said to break the awkward silence that appeared when both CuteGuy and HotGuy had recognized her. "I'm doing great!" She said cheerfully, her friend nodding in agreement. "Well that's great to hear!" CuteGuy replied, smiling at them. "I have a couple questions, if I may ask them," It was over for them. The weird questions they had been trying to avoid all evening were right here, hiding away in one person. CuteGuy turned to look at HotGuy, hoping he would come up with some genius plan to avoid her questions. Instead he visibly gulped. CuteGuy could always show him some blood, it would make HotGuy throw up and they would both be saved. But that would be too cruel.

"Sure..!" CuteGuy said while giving her an awkward laugh. He saw the girl her friend pull out their phone. It was definitely over. History would repeat itself. CuteGuy couldn't help but notice that HotGuy always acted very different at these events, this wasn't the first time one was held. He'd normally always have something to say, always confident, always flirting with CuteGuy. Now he was the exact opposite of that, like he shut down. "It's been one and a half weeks since the video of HotGuy calling CuteGuy "darling" was out online, are you finally together?" She asked. CuteGuy felt like he was being interviewed by some professional. Or like he was being asked these questions for some kind of drama magazine. Whatever it was, he didn't like it one bit. The other thing that CuteGuy didn't like one bit, was that she added "finally together" in her sentence. What did she mean finally? The only people that wanted them together was her and another quarter of half of the city.

"What do you mean finally?" CuteGuy decided to ask. He had given up on HotGuy's help, he was completely frozen up. "Well, everyone wants you guys to be together! We've had this conversation before," she said and smiled at CuteGuy, too kindly for his liking. "Just because you say the whole city wants us to be together, does not mean we magically gain feelings for each other because they want us to," He said, hoping that would shut her up. This was the nicest way he could bring over the message. He just hoped it would arrive. The girl seemed to back away a bit, leaning towards HotGuy. "What about you? Do you have something to say about how you called CuteGuy "darling"? Was it on purpose? Did you mean it?" HotGuy took a step back because the girl was awfully close to him. He groaned while doing so, he most likely hurt himself because of the stab wound again.

"Sorry, he can't really answer. He's not feeling well, stab wounds, you know. It's best if you leave him alone for a bit," CuteGuy said. HotGuy shot him an appreciative look, thanking him for saving him from that question. But that's what they did, save civilians and save each other. "Have you developed feelings for CuteGuy?" She asked, ignoring what CuteGuy had just said. HotGuy's face turned noticeably red, and CuteGuy couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. "Uhm, n-no..!" He said in response, hand gestures all over the place. CuteGuy giggled silently. This was the funniest thing he had ever seen, even though he knew how uncomfortable that question was. HotGuy seemed to notice that CuteGuy was laughing at him, because he gave him an annoyed look. But the girl kept asking uncomfortable questions. "Have you guys kissed?" CuteGuy looked at her dumbfounded.

"What? No, no!" HotGuy responded, not sure what to do. All of this was getting filmed by her friend. As much as CuteGuy wanted to see where this would go, he had enough when she asked HotGuy if they did "it". HotGuy stared at her in disgust and utter shock. First of all, even if they did, it wasn't any of her business. You can't just ask someone that. "What.." HotGuy said as he looked like he was trying to process what the girl in front of him just asked. "Get out," CuteGuy said, pointing towards the exit while his wing twitched. Both of the girls turned to him, one with their own eyes, one with soon to be thousands of eyes. They stared at him in disbelief, like they had been asking the most normal questions on earth. "Now," He added, noticing they weren't going anywhere.

"Get out, now. You crossed the line." CuteGuy repeated, what was wrong with these people's hearing? They finally seemed to get the hint, and slowly backed off. They quickly walked to the exit. CuteGuy narrowed his eyes to try and see if they actually left, but he didn't see any of them. "Thanks," He heard HotGuy say, suddenly giving him a hug from behind. CuteGuy flinched. "Hey! That doesn't mean you get to do that!" He yelped in protest, and tried to wriggle out of HotGuy's arms. HotGuy chuckled. "Sorry," he whispered softly and let him go, CuteGuy could tell he was a little ashamed. And that was probably the first time HotGuy let him go so fast. "Let's get this over with," CuteGuy softly smiled at him, looking at the line of people that still wanted to meet them.

The rest of the evening went smoothly. Some people still asked some uncomfortable questions, but it didn't go any further than "are you two dating" or "are you guys together". HotGuy seemed to get more comfortable talking to people, and the last couple of people walked their way. They asked for some pictures, and that was it. The event had ended. "Thank god.." CuteGuy muttered under his breath as he took a deep sigh. HotGuy mumbled something in response, but CuteGuy could hear. He turned to look at HotGuy, his eyes were filled with sleep, like he was about to pass out any second. "Go home, HotGuy," CuteGuy silently giggled as he walked up to him. "Goodnight," he whispered while giving HotGuy a kiss on his cheek. With that CuteGuy walked off, playfully waving as he saw HotGuy's face turn red.

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