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"HotGuy, focus!" Cub yelled through his earpiece. "There's a civilians life on the line here! And worse, one of your coworkers!" He continued. HotGuy rolled his eyes. He was aware that his coworkers life was on the line, since Cub had told him the "accident" had been a poisonous gas leak. If Cub would stop whining in his ear, he could tell him where the person was located on the radar. HotGuy scanned the walls, recognizing that he was now in the left wing of the school building, the opposite side of where the science lab was. Even with the blue and orange gas mask HotGuy was wearing, it was still too dangerous to go to the science lab, the fumes of the gas is too strong there, too strong for the equipment that was given to him.

"If this radar is correct, which it always is," Cub continued; "They should be in the last room at the end of the corridor to the right.." HotGuy scanned the rest of the corridor, following the blue stripe that was painted in the middle of the walls. He spotted the classroom Cub had directed him to, and walked over to the door. It was already slightly opened, probably the reason how the poisonous gas had gotten into the classroom. HotGuy carefully pushed the door further open, revealing his unconscious coworker on the ground. His blonde hair was covering parts of his face. HotGuy walked over and checked his pulse. "He's still alive," HotGuy said while pushing onto his earpiece so Cub could hear. "Alright, get him out of there," He responded. HotGuy threw Grian over his shoulder, he was surprised by how light he was, even for being a human.


As HotGuy walked out of the school with his coworker over his shoulder, people were chanting his name. He blocked out the sound of the chants and quickly walked over to the ambulance that Tango had called after learning that Grian was still in the building. He carefully laid him on the red and white colored stretcher and let the medics handle the rest. He really hoped he was gonna be okay. The medics pushed the stretcher into the ambulance and HotGuy watched as they drove off to the hospital. "You might wanna watch out for the reporters.." Cub informed him through the earpiece. But before HotGuy could process what Cub had told him, a crowd of reporters surround him, bombarding him with questions about Grian. Too many questions to answer, too many questions for it to get overwhelming. "Sorry..! Everyone, can't answer questions today.. Gotta go!" HotGuy stuttered as he tried to make his way through the reporters. He slid through and walked off. Can't catch me now. He proudly thought to himself.

HotGuy decided to go to the rooftops of some abandoned buildings. He always went there to relax for a bit, taking a break while watching over the city. He sat down on the edge of the building, letting his legs dangle off as he let his gaze glide over all of the small figures on the streets below him. If there was one thing that HotGuy enjoyed, it was sitting on the rooftops with CuteGuy, even if they were supposed to be rivals, they got along pretty well. But this time he was alone. The trees moved with the wind, the same wind tugging on HotGuy's hair. Causing it to blow infront of his blue and orange visor, blocking his gorgeous view. HotGuy tucked his hair back behind his pointy ear, regaining his view over the city.

He always felt so peaceful when watching the city from above. Watching people going on with their everyday life, when he lived a double life. HotGuy the superhero, and Scar the music teacher. He didn't mind being a different person sometimes. Especially since the second life he lived was a life where he could actually walk, instead of being stuck in a wheelchair. That's because he had gotten robotic legs for the "perfect" superhero image, as they had told him. It didn't really bother him that they actually thought he wasn't "perfect" enough, it made Scar feel more free, being able to walk and he could go everywhere whenever he wanted. Unless he got sent on a mission.

The sun started to set, making the sky turn all shades of orange, red and pink you could imagine. Scar always thought it was the most gorgeous sight a person could see. He reached into his pocket in search for his phone, snapping a picture of the sunset after selecting the camera app on the little screen. "Time to wrap up, HG." The sudden sound of Cub's voice startled Scar. "You scared me!" He whined in response. Scar didn't want to leave because of the sunset, but he knew it was time to go home. So he did. He made sure there were no reporters before walking home. Scar didn't feel like changing, even though walking home as HotGuy had its risks. He safely made it to his apartment, letting himself fall into his couch.

Tomorrow it was Saturday, a mostly very busy day for HotGuy, not really for Scar though. But now one of his colleagues was in the hospital, so he decided to go visit Grian. He probably needed it. He removed his earpiece and turned it off, letting Cub know he was safely home in the process. "Alright, goodnight HG," Cub had responded. A good night indeed, Scar had thought. It felt good knowing he saved someone today. Especially someone he knew personally. He went over to the bathroom to change into some sweatpants and a shirt. He brushed his teeth when his cat, Jellie, joined him by jumping onto the bathroom sink. "Hey Jellie!" Scar said in a high tone, his toothbrush still in his mouth. Jellie meowed at him in response. So cute! Scar thought as he finished brushing his teeth.

He glided over to his bedroom, Jellie still loyally following him. Before Scar went to bed he checked his phone, and to his surprise, Cub had texted him. "Hey, I just got word from someone that CuteGuy won't be here for a couple of days, something happened." The message read. It wasn't normal for CuteGuy to not come for a couple of days, something very bad must have happened then, since CuteGuy would never go down without a fight. But Scar guessed that this time it was different. Not that he didn't go down with a fight, but maybe he came across someone stronger than him. It made Scar feel guilty for not being there to help him. He pushed on the side of his phone so the bright screen turned off, taking its colorful icons with it. Scar put his phone on his nightstand and turned off the lamp that was also sitting on his nightstand.

He slid under his duvet, feeling Jellie jump onto his bed to make her way to her favorite sleeping place; the pillow on Scar's bed that he never used. It belonged to Jellie now. Scar couldn't help but feel a soft smile creeping up his face, he loved his cat dearly. His eyes got heavier, they shut and he drifted off to sleep.

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Can't Catch Me Now [Scar X Grian Superhero AU]Where stories live. Discover now