Chapter 30

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 I looked at Ez in horror. The Fan club killed me. Killed my family. Killed Mieary. I closed my eyes. I had to stop myself from screaming. When I recovered I asked Ez a question.

 "Ez... What do they want with us? Why did they bring us back?" I asked opening my eyes. I looked atEz,hoping the answer wasn't what I thought it was.

 "Well... You, Flo, Arelle, Clom, and Zeff were perfect warriors. Dynn and Ren were one of the powerful scientist's kids. They were brought back because he was sad. But... The true reason you were brought back was so that the Fan club could use you as warriors, and rule the world," Ez answered with what I had guessed. I closed my eyes again.

 "We have to leave Phoenix! Please say you'll come with me!" Ez begged. I looked at him. "I can't just leave the others! We need to bring them with us!" I said. Ez looked disappointed and heartbroken. I put the others above him. I choose them.

 "If you'll come! As long as you stay with me. We need to go now Phoenix!" Ez said desperately. I grabbed his hand and we ran to the lounge. Dynn didn't look happy to see Ez.

  I explained everything to the other Experiments. They seemed shocked. Dynnjust scowled at Ez. "How do you know he's not with them!" Dynn said, glaring at Ez.

  "Dynn! You don't know who these people are! Can't you trust me?" I asked Dynn. He scowled again, but he didn't argue again. Everyone got up and got their stuff. I came up with a plan.

 "Ez, Dynn, Ren and I will set up a distraction in the labs. Clom, Zeff, stay with Flo, Arelle, and Lily. You five will run as soon as we set up the distraction. There's a parking lot. Grab any car be fast. Zeff, you look like a guy who knows how to hot wire a car. Do it fast. Then my group will catch up with you, got it?" I looked around, I grabbed Flo's hand. With a pen I wrote an address. "Your group will leave with out us, and we will meet here. Any questions?" I looked around again. Everyone understood the plan. I smiled at them.

 "Hey, Phoenix... How do you know about being a rebel?" Zeff asked. I must have a looked like an average good girl at first, but I saw respect in his eyes as he acknowledge that I was a fellow rebel.

 "Not my first time escaping this place," I say with am evil smile, I can see in Zeff's eyes that I'm his idol now.

 Ren, Ez, Dynn, and I set out to do our part of the plan. We didn't know what was going to happen though. No one could have guessed. Except me.

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