Chapter 25

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 IT WAS A DELIGHTFUL morning, the sun was shining brightly

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IT WAS A DELIGHTFUL morning, the sun was shining brightly. Lei'wa yawned as she began to make breakfast for her family. Niraya was already 9 months old, time flew by quickly, and you're 4 months pregnant now.

Jake and the kids sat down and began to eat their breakfast, while the kids were busy chatting and playing with Niraya. Jake spoke up to you. "Lei'wa, baby, lately I've been thinking that we should spent some time in the forest after our baby is born. The kids really miss being back home, I don't want to rush you into anything so soon. But I was just suggesting that we could visit the forest, so Niraya could experience her other half." 

You were shocked by his words, but you weren't disappointed, it was a good idea for the kids to visit their home gain and you did want Niraya to see her o the part of where she comes from.

"Ma'Jake that is a splendid idea, I'm just shocked that's all. But I don't mind the children visiting the forest, I know how hard it is being away from your home. And I would love to experience what the forest is like." Lei'wa replied cuddling close to her mate. Jake sighed in relief at your response.

"So when do you think we should bring up the news to the kids?" Jake asked caressing your thigh softly. "Maybe tomorrow or even later tonight, if that's okay with you." You replied gently. Jake nodded, the both of you agreed to tell the kids later that night.


 Once dinner was ready, everyone sat down and began to eat

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Once dinner was ready, everyone sat down and began to eat. After a few minutes of silence you decided to speak up to tell the kids the news. "Kids...."
They all turned and look at you, and  hear what you had to say. "So me and your father have been thinking to visit the forest. I know that you all miss your home and I know what it's like to be away from a place that you cherish so much, and I want Niraya and your new sibling to experience the other part of them." Lei'wa said as she placed her hand on her belly. Jake smiled at how caring and devoted you were. He appreciated you so much.

The kids all gasped in shock at this news, happy smiles appeared on their faces. "Wait...Mom, are you serious?! Please tell me you aren't joking!" Kiri spoke up with wide eyes. You giggled at her facial expression. "No honey, I'm not joking, I'm serious. Me and your father think that this would be a good idea." You replied with a smile.

Jake laughed at the children's excitement. They squealed jumping up and down with happiness. "Thank you mama! Thank you daddy!" Tuktirey cheered as she embraced you and Jake in a big warm hug. "You're welcome baby." Jake said chuckling softly, kissing Tuk on her forehead. You giggled at your daughter hugging her close.

"This is one of the best news ever! Thanks mom, thanks dad.  I love you guys so much!" Neteyam said jumping into your arms, Loak, Kiri and Tuk joined the hug too.


Chapter 25 is officially completed!!  :))) 💞💞

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