Uhh yeah | [Textfic]

443 8 13

Official Phantom Gate Group 👤👣❌😡😡
6:39 PM

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: Guys.
Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: The voices are mocking me in this never ending torment.

Halfwit 💀‼️: rip ig

Tay-Tay?!: Bestie where even are you-

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: Ballet practice.

Tay-Tay?!: That explains it
Tay-Tay?!: is it that Bethany girl that you keep ranting about?

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: yep

Tay-Tay?!: oh

MachineGunLogan: "The voices are mocking me in this never ending torment."
MachineGunLogan: Out of all the words that you could describe your situation why this?

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: because

Tay-Tay?!: because yes

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: yeah

Ben 🔇: Is Ashlyn getting picked on again

Psychotic Terrorist: ASH IS GETTING WHAT? 😡

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: I got jump scared for a second tbh
Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: I just realize you didn't even made any typos or spelling mistakes

Ben 🔇: he has auto correct

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: oh wow

Psychotic Terrorist: I'm gonna go to where you are Ash

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: You can't even find me

Psychotic Terrorist: :(

Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: don't ':(' me that way.
Ed Sheeran 👨‍🦰: You aren't gonna kill Bethany

Psychotic Terrorist: pleaseeeee

Tay-Tay?!: She isn't responding
Tay-Tay?!: that means practice prob started-

MachineGunLogan: WTF TAY

Halfwit 💀‼️: nearly got a heart attack for a second

Psychotic Terrorist: FINISH YOUR SENTENCES PLEASE 😢😭😭😭😢😢


Ben 🔇 bumped Tay-Tay?!'s message: She isn't responding

Tay-Tay?!: Oh 😢

Psychotic Terrorist: you almost made me jump out the building smh

Ben 🔇: (he almost did jump out)

Halfwit 💀‼️: wait where tf are you 💀

Psychotic Terrorist: legos

Halfwit 💀‼️: translate to Ben

Ben 🔇: he's in a mall and I'm babysitting him

Psychotic Terrorist: HEY don't word it that way >:(
Psychotic Terrorist: it fits more with ✨supervising✨

Tay-Tay?!: babysitting fits perfectly tbh
Tay-Tay?!: because you're supervising a menace

MachineGunLogan: BAHAHAH

Halfwit 💀‼️: real

Psychotic Terrorist: YOU BETRAYED ME.. 😢😭😭😭😭😭

Tay-Tay?!: I mean I'm saying the truth 🤷‍♀️

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