My Take on Aidelyn. [Ramble]

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You don't get what I'm seeing (probably). I'm gatekeeping this for so long, I've been making fanfics of them being lovey dovey but I'm ready to say it:

My vision is screaming at me, that Aidelyn is heavily one-sided, until Ashlyn slowly gives in to Aiden's attempts.

Again, my vision says that Aidelyn is a long, one-sided, relationship. It's obvious, of course. Given by the fact that Ashlyn tried to get away from Aiden from the beginning.

Ashlyn, being anti-social and hates people, does not trust Aiden, so she tries to push him away all the time.

It's not confirmed why, but most likely it's the fact that she hates people and socializing (like what I said), but how I envision it, she's probably scared.

Scared?? Ashlyn fucking Banner, scared of what??

“But.. isn't she anti-socia–”

1) It's my vision
2) I want angst
3) Yes but hear me out please

What if she's scared of making new friends? Because she'll have to protect them, be attached to them, and then they'll end up leaving. Ashlyn doesn't want to feel devastated and depressed, so it leads up to her building up walls, brick by brick.

Not only to be alone and isolated, but to feel safe.

At first glance, Aiden had noticed that she was alone, and she isolates herself from others.

Maybe, he was reminded of his past, and Aiden does not want her to feel like what he felt when he was young. So, he tries his best to lower her walls, but it wouldn't work. Ashlyn would just build up more. But Aiden will not give up.

He keeps on trying, and trying. He will never rest, until he actually befriends Ashlyn.

So when he saw that their task was going to a field trip for History, he took that opportunity to let Ashlyn know him better. And his plan got better when he met the others. But of course, it went downhill when the phantom dimension started.

And that made it worse for Ashlyn too. Now, she has 5 people to protect. And she doesn't even know them at all. She only sees them as classmates, but she has this urge to protect them at all costs. Especially Aiden. She doesn't know why. It makes things more complicated. Whenever she tries to push him away, she ends up going closer to him.

She fails to succeed in not caring for him, because in the end, she finds comfort in her friends. But she would still try to push herself away from them. She doesn't know why.

In the chapter where Aiden saves Ashlyn, it was clear that he blamed himself for risking Ashlyn's life, so he unintentionally hugs her, as a way of showing his guilt. Ashlyn, not being the touchy person she is, reluctantly hugs him back. That was the small, first step of her slowly giving in, but her trust was not given, yet.

The next day, Aiden apologized to her, again, and when Ashlyn said that her head was throbbing, he awkwardly held her head, and Ashlyn did not protest. Another small step.

In the arcade scene, it is clear that Ashlyn finally gave in to Aiden's tiny, little, small attempt to try and interact with her, but to Aiden, it's the biggest, important moment that he had ever seen with himself and Ashlyn.

Ashlyn was slowly starting to accept the fact that she's having friends, and was slowly warming up to them.

That was until Tyler's death.

Ashlyn possibly blames herself for his death, because she did not come back for him. Aiden tried his best to comfort her, but he didn't try to pressure her, so he simply held her hand. It's a simple thing, but it made Ashlyn.. feel at ease, is what I believe.

In the school (phantom realm), and the part where the roof is crumbling down, and then Aiden died, Ashlyn was finally embracing him.

“But didn't they hug in the roof scene?”

Yes, but it's not from Aiden, this time. It's from HER.

Aiden is always the one to act first.

But Ashlyn, in this instance, took action first.

She wanted to protect him, but she had failed. The way that she was holding him, screams to me, that she was afraid of loosing her. She was holding him, like he was her lifeline. Her lifeline of happiness.

So looking at the boisterous, outgoing, and always-smiling blonde, painted in his blood, and the smile that wasn't his etched on his face, was something that Ashlyn never wanted to see.

When they woke up, Ashlyn's first instinct was to find Aiden, and looking at him convulsing on the ground broke her.

For Aiden, the moment he snapped out of his seizure, he looks at Ashlyn. And then Ashlyn lunged to him, and pulled him into a hug.

Aiden got the two things he wanted.

Ashlyn giving in.

And feeling death.

He might have felt sorry, that Ashlyn had to hold his lifeless, bloody body.

He wanted to feel death, but he didn't like how she was shaking. That was when he realized that Ashlyn was more better than death.

And that's the time Ashlyn Banner, finally gave into Aiden's attempts.

Ashlyn has been pushing Aiden for so long, in fear of loosing him. But Aiden just.. keeps trying.

Ashlyn Banner, has been building her own wall, brick by brick.

A wall impossible to break.

And Aiden Clark, manages to do the impossible.

This is probably the messiest and non-canon ramble and analysis that I have ever wrote.

Take them away from me, they're making me sick. /pos

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