Chapter 6

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   "When did this happen?" I stare at her. Jordan asking her out is a big thing for her. But he will only break her heart.

"After school by the locker," she said. I can't tell if her face is red, but I'm sure it is.

  "This is great Angel," I said. I want to warn her, but I already told her he ain't shit. Some people have to find out the hard way.
She stops smiling for a second, "you think he finds me sexy."

I laugh, "who wouldn't." She hates being called cute.

  No one wants the cute girls, she told me. They only go for the hot girls. Cute girls are always side chicks.

  "I'm happy for you Angel. But be careful. He runs through females like water." I said.

  Trixie just got suspended. He probably just trying to get back at her.  Trixie and I will be back at it in the next week or two.

"I know," she said. She twirls a strand of hair around her fingers.

   We continue to sit in without talking. The tv fills the silence and I'm watching but not hearing it. I'm preoccupied with my thoughts. Today has been crazy and I'm not sure I want to tell her what happened with my dad.

"Why the rush today?" She said.

I want to lie my way around it, but it wouldn't be fair. She is my best friend and the only person I can tell this. "The new guy."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "I know I just met him. But when he stopped me from falling- his touch- I started feeling warm feeling spread inside me."

"You probably were embarrassed," she suggested.

I shake my head; crossing my arms across my chest. "Yes, but it's something else. Just being next to him makes me lose my cool and makes me nervous."

"Do like him?" She sits crisscrossing apple sauce in front of me.

I shake my head, "I don't even know him."
She stares at me as if she is not entirely convinced. "I'm in love with Dexter. I would never end what we have for some strange boy."

She nods her head and agrees with me. "He is hot though."

"Looks are not everything."
   I will keep my distance from him. He saved me from cracking my skull open and that is it.

I don't stop with my father, instead, I went  to my room. I'm still upset about earlier and I know it will take a while for me to forget it.

I call Dexter and end of listening to him describe how his day was so far. He tells me about what he did when he got home. Then he tells me how his father is still stressing him to take over the family business.

I listen to him. I don't tell him about the strange cause conversation I had with my dad. I don't want to keep that to myself, but I'm not ready to tell no one yet.

"Did Jordan tell you he asked Angel on a date," I said. He laughs on the other end of the phone. I don't hear anything funny.

"I know. That's so sweet she has had a thing for him for a long time," he said.

"This is not good. Angel is not one of his boy toys and she deserves better than him. You tell him I said that if he breaks her heart I will kill him," I said. I feel suddenly protective of her and I mean every word I say.

"He is a good guy, you have to give him a chance," he said. He hates it when I go for
his best friend. But I don't care.

"He is a whore," I say.

"Lay of Myla. This is not your decision and I'm not going to let you continue to rub dirt on his name," he said.

I sigh and refrain from making further remarks. It is better left unsaid.

"He suggested we go on a double date. All four
of us and that would be fun," he said.

I can not turn down that offer. She might need me and I can see how he treats her. "Yeah, that would be fun."

"Okay, love. But I better let you get ready for bed." He said.

I glance at the clock it is late. "Alright then, Goodnight, and I love you."

"Good night and I love you too."

It's late and despite how crazy today was I'm not sleepy. If anything I'm going wide away and energetic. I feel the urge to open up my curtains and go onto the balcony.

The air is still warm, but it is not unbearable. I can see the moon peaking out behind the clouds.

'The clouds always try to hide what's more beautiful.' My mother had said once. 'It is jealous that the moon gets more love than it gets.'

Still, the moon is shining through the dark clouds. I'm mesmerized by the nighttime beauty.

I hear a coyote in the background. The nighttime butterflies fly around my balcony light. I close my eyes and lay back on the hammock. I let the nighttime sounds be a personal lullaby. Its music fills my ears and I close my eyes.

I'm like that for about ten minutes. I open my eyes when I start to feel the hair on my neck and arms stand up. Someone is watching me. I stand up and look over the balcony.

With the light from the moon, I'm able to make out the dark figure of a person. I don't whether they are a girl or a boy. I don't even know if it is a person.

I blink and when I look again the person is gone. But their eyes were red and glowing. I hurry inside my room and slam the balcony door shut. I lock it and close my curtains.

I must be more tired than I realize and that was a trick of light. But one thing was clear I was being watched.

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