Chapter 11

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I turn towards Asher. I don't even have to see him to know it's him

I turn my back to him and hope to relish the silence. Still, something about him being out here with me doesn't sit right. He always shows up when I least expect him to or want him to.

"If you followed me out here to piss me off, don't " I warn.

He sighs and leans back against the wall. I take a second to look at him. My eyes travel down his body. The white tea shirt he has on hugs his body and you see the sculpted muscles in his stomach. He doesn't look like the athletic type. But you don't get them muscles doing nothing.

  "I'm not a big sports guy. It's all in my DNA," he said.

"Can you stop that?" It's getting annoying.

It's one thing to see me checking you out and it's another thing to know what I'm thinking.

"Doing what?" He said.

"That whatever you're doing. Every time I think something you say it out loud," I said.

"I'm just a good guesser," He said shrugging.

I glare at him before turning away. I'm going over my list of options in my head. I've missed so many days this month and I can't just leave. It's not like no one is going to notice except Angel and Dexter.

"Why are you not in there with them? I thought she was your friend," He said.

I laugh at that. Friend is a strong word for me and Trixie's relationship. We hated each other. "She wasn't my friend. She was only cheer captain."

I forgot about that. Who will be our new cheer captain? With Trixie out of the way that only leaves me and one of her other minions in line.

"But why aren't you in there?"

I bit my lip. This is a hard question to answer and how can I answer it with out sounding weird?

"It's very crowded in there." That part is true. The whole school is packed into the gym.

"Could it be a guilty consciousness?" He says.

I turn around and look at him. Is he trying to say he thinks I had something to do with her death? "Guilty for what? I didn't have anything to do with it."

He looks skeptical and I see his brow raise. "Not on purpose you wouldn't. But sometimes it's our primal instinct and we can't control it."

I gape at him. Is he serious? He doesn't know me enough to accuse me of murder.

"Who is we and our? You don't know me well enough to accuse me of anything," I say.

He goes back to whistling and I tune him out. Who does he think he is? I walk away from him and head in the direction of the glass doors. What he said got underneath my skin more than he knew.

"Myla you can't run away from everything."

Fuck off.

After last night I'm terrified. I'm very capable of hurting someone else and that's what scares me. You have to be a pretty sick person to do what I did. I don't want to admit to myself but I enjoyed it.

That is some pretty demonic stuff. If I'm possessed by a demon how can I think so clearly? A person who is possessed wouldn't know they're possessed. Or would they?

I slam my head against the steering wheel. Everything is becoming so fucking weird. I'm about to play hooky again. This can't become a habit.

I don't think it's safe for me to go back in there. Eventually, I will but not until I figure out what's wrong with me. I'm not sure what the policy is, but I'm sure drinking the blood of another student is pretty much a no-no.

I drive out of the parking lot and head towards town. Maybe I'm the one having a psychic break. I don't have schizophrenia. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

I drive around long enough to clear my head. I'm passing the little ice cream parlor when I decide to turn in there. It would be nice to sit in there and watch the people walk by outside the shop.

The heat from the sun is unbearable and it beats down on your skin harshly. If I was a few shades lighter I would need sunscreen.

  The little bell on top of the door jingles when I open the door. Today an old little man is working behind the counter. He has slicked down the few strands of gray hair on his scalp and gives me a toothless grin.

  "Shouldn't you be in school?" He says.

   "We got out early today." Lies sure do seem to fall out my mouth easily these days.

   "That's good. You stay in school now and get yourself a good education you hear," he says sternly.

  I plaster an innocent smile on my face and nod my head. Can he just ask me what I want? He talks on for about five more minutes. Asking about my personal life. Did I go to school with your grandparents? You look familiar, do you have a mom by the name of Ella Gables? What school do I go to? Am I a good student? What's my last name?  I'm surprised he didn't ask for my addresses too.

    The reason I bought the ice cream was to see if I would be able to down it. As soon as I bring the spoon to my mouth I gag.  My reaction is evening worst when I consume a spoonful.

  It's like my stomach is trying to rid itself of poison. I look around for the bathroom and immediately run to it. I'm throwing up blood and ice cream. When there's nothing left for me to throw up I collapse on the floor in a heap. My hands are shaking badly and I feel the hunger instinct come back harder this time.

  It's like a switch has flicked on in my brain. I'm hyper-aware of everything around me and I can hear the bell ring as a new customer comes in. Blood. I must feed.

   I step out of the bathroom and scan my surroundings. The little old man's blood smells good, but not as good as the redhead woman with the baby. Not her.

   The animal in me is yelling that I do something. It's taking all my strength to hold it together. I step out into the sunlight and heat walking down the street. I can smell everyone's blood and tell who's healthy.

    I hear a girlish cry in the alley. I can smell the sweet scent that makes my body shiver with want. A man holds his hand over the mouth of some little girl. In seconds I have the man pinned up on the wall by his neck. He's panicking and clawing at my hand around his neck for air.

   I glance at the young girl lying huddled in the corner against the dumpster. Her blood smells better, cleaner than the dirtbag I have in my hand. She's crying and I can see the fear that is in her eyes. That same fear is causing her body to shake.

"Go home and tell no one you saw me." My voice comes out in a sort of growl and I don't have to speak twice. The girl glances back at me once and runs round the corner.

   "Let me go, please," he said. I take note of the white van parked at the other end of the alley. The human part of me turns up my nose in disgust.

"You don't deserve to live you," I say before I sink my fangs into his neck.

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