Chapter 21

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"Don't be scared," he said. "The king likes to appear more threatening then he is, he wouldn't lay a finger on you."

"I'm not scared," I said. Scared was over kill. I'm a nervous wreck inside, I've never seen a king before and a queen. I look down at my ordinary jeans and plain white tee shirt. I seem underdressed for the occasion.

  The fact that I'm a vampire gives me some kind of cool. They can't drink my blood. It's not like they can kill me or at least permanently  I hope not.

"You sure what I have on is okay?" I asked again.

He gives me a reassuring smile, " They don't care about your clothes."

I nod and continue to examine the hallway as we walk. This place is huge and fancy. I wonder how old this castle is? It has to be over a hundred years old.

The ceiling is painted in a religious picture. Angels flying through clouds and things and the chandeliers actually have real candles on it. How do they relight it?

We stop in front of two giant double doors. This must be impossible to open and than I notice the smaller set of doors in the bigger doors. Neat.

Asher let's out a deep breath before nodding to the guards. I wonder why he never told me he worked for a king and queen. This is so cool.

"Don't speak unless spoken too and control your tongue," he said.

I can only nod in response. I'm taken away by the large dining room. This could fit at least a hundred people. How long did it take to build a table this long?

The king and queen both sit side by side each other at the end of the table. I'm taken back by how young they look. Their beautiful and I can see that Asher resembles his mother more. He has his fathers hair and hard eyes.

The queen looks to be of Asian decéntame has lost long straight black hair. The hair looks like it almost glows and is neat. Though her eyes are dark and almond shaped, they don't look cold. In fact she looks warm and inviting compared to her brown headed husband.

"Myla welcome to the castle," she said warmly. I can feel the maternal sincerity in her voice, despite myself I smile.

"Thank you your majesty," I said. Should I bow or crusty, unsure of what to do, I continue to smile.

"Call me Clemente," she said. The king remains silent and motions for us to sit down. I plop myself in the hair on the other side of Asher away from his father.

The kings eyes are a dark red color and he has brown hair that falls across his forehead in  waves. He is dangerously good looking and I can see where Asher gets his looks  from.

  Maids brings out countless meals and I stare in owe at the dishes. How can four people be expected to eat all of this. The king sees me staring at the food and laughs. He smiles, though his smile doesn't quite reach his eye, I can see no ill will behind it.

"Vampires have quite the appetite, though I'm not sure you will be able to enjoy much of the food," he said.

   My disappointment surfaces despite my effort. Of course I can't. They don't seem to be threatening people, but I'm sure they won't take kindly to me throwing up at their table.

  "It's okay dear," said Clemente sympathetically. "We do have some English muffins infused with blood. They may do the trick."

  I smile again and look at Asher. What does he seem so upset about. He hasn't spoken a word to either parent since we came in. As we eat I observe the interaction of the three.

.The queen and Asher exchanges some kind words and make conversation. They try to include me in it too. Which I'm entirely grateful for.

  The king was right, vampires do have a good appetite. I ate a child's plate compared to them. They enjoyed a meal that would take 50 normal people to enjoy. Will I be able to eat like them one day too.

  "My son tells me you have no creater and is a half-breed," said the king. He doesn't say in a particular way, still I can hear a slight disapproval in his voice.

His son!! He's a prince and didn't tell me. He was a Royal the whole time; that explains his confidence. It also explains his bossy personality and why he act like he gets everything he wants. He was born with a spoon shoved right up his-

Asher gives a small cough and I look up to find the king staring at me.

  "Yeah, I suppose so," I said.

  "You mother was a pure blooded vampire?"

  "I'm not sure," I said. I don't know what my mother was? I never known her to be a blood thirsty beast. How did she hid it so well from me?

  I remember the times I caught her drinking red juices which I assumed to be Kook-aid. Now I doubt that was every kool-aid. Why did she never explain what I was? It would have made everything less agonizing and confusing.

   I should have listen to what my father was trying to tell me when I had the chance. I feel a pain in my chest and look down. The burning sensation reappears again and I blink it away.

  "Do you have any relative's related to your mother?" 

  "My grandparents, they live in France," I said. "My mother was French."

  The queen gives a small nod and smiles her warm smile. The king chews slowly and stares at me and I look away embarrassed by the intensity of his gaze.

"Father is there any there anything more you need to know," said Asher. There's an urgency in his voice and he's sitting up stiff as a board. Why is he so tense. Isn't he happy to be home?

"Yes there is, if you want to leave you may go. She stays," said the king gesturing towards the door.

He doesn't budge. I'm grateful for it and is prescences make me feel some what safe.

"Okay let's go to my study so we can get more comfortable shall we," he said.

He makes a motion and a dozen maids come and start clearing the table. One girl in particular catch my eye, because she's staring at me. The moment we make eye contact she drops her gazes and continues clearing the table. The fiery red of her hair and the questioning gaze of her green eyes burns an image in my mind.

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