Chapter 32

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I can not get it out of my head what I saw Alissa doing last night. She must be fully aware that the situation is dangerous for both of them. I wonder how long this been going on.

I want to ask Asher do he know about his sisters Lover. A promise is a promise.

   "Let's go," he said. He doesn't comment on my dress, but the way he takes me in, makes me think her likes what he sees. "Nice dress."

   That's it? "Thank you."

  The ride to the restaurant is ackward. I don't understand why. He trails a finger down my forearm and I shiver. "Nervous?"

  I shake my head definitely and then nod. He laughs and continues to trail a finger down my arm. "I thought you was tougher than that Myla."

   I love the way he says my name and how he lingers on each letter longer than usual. He's right I am nervous and he's not helping.

   "I am tougher," I said moving my arm out his way. He raises and eyebrow and crosses his arms behind his head. "Stop picking at me."

He gives a short laugh and I softly punch him in the shoulder. The rest of the car ride is quiet.


  I observe how serene and excited her face looked behind the roses. The restaurant is the best in the city and it's a luxury new to her. It's expensive, but something I can afford.

"Do you like it?"

  She nods and gives me a reassuring smile; the smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. "You don't really like it."

  She shakes her head and toys with the steak. "I never liked my food half cooked."

  I find this insanely funny and I burst out laughing. A few humans people cast me looks and I ignore them. "Your a vampire."

"It doesn't matter, I'm not insanely thirsty and I want my steak well done." She makes as face at how bratty it sounds. "I'm sorry."

  I shake my head despite it, I admire how she speaks up. "Could we have a well done steak please?"

The waitress makes a face, but nods and walks away. 'What kind of vampire orders a well done steak?' Humans are so ignorant to the fact that vampires can eat regular food.

Myla seems to be binge eating a lot of food lately since her stomach has adjusted. It's a good thing vampires don't but on a lot of body fat.

The dimly lit dining hall is extremely elegant. The soft classical music makes it an amazing place for lovers to go and dine. Tonight seems like the beauty of specifically made for us.

I study the soft features in her face. Even becoming a vampire couldn't soften the innocent features. She was beauty then and still is today. She smiles at me and raises a inquiring eyebrow.

"Let's hurry up and get out of here, I have one more place I want to take you."


I should be breathless after the run up the mountain side; what should have taken hours took us only 3 minutes. The freedom and perks that comes with being a vampire are exhilarating.

Asher pulls me to him so that my back rests against his chest and his arms encircle my waist. "This place is breathtaking, I missed this when I was in America."

I can see why. Up here we can look down on the city and surrounding villages. The castle still looks pretty impressive even from here. The green seems greener here then from home. The air smells better and the people are nicer. Some of them.

"I use to come up here everyday when I was younger, but as I got older I had less and less time," he said thoughtfully. "I had to step into my role as the next king and leader of our people."

I hold his hand against my lower belly, "how old are you?" That is the question I've been wanting to ask him for a long time.

"I'm three hundred and ten," he said.

My mouth drops open and I can't help but let out a gasp. "Really?"

He laughs and rubs his thumb across my wrist. "Vampires age different then humans."

I obviously can tell that. "Does that mean I will age the same way?"

He remains quiet for a moment, "I don't know Myla. You shouldn't age like a human. I assume that once you turned, your aging will start to get slower."

I sense another question lingering in the air and I can feel his muscles tense up slightly and than relax. My sense are alert, but I can see no danger or hear no danger. I don't smell nothing hinting at impending danger.

"Myla there is more more reason for us being in this mountain." He steps back turns to do that I'm facing him. I place my hands in his and smile. In reality my muscles feel tense and I feel like I'm expecting something.He stares into my eyes and I drop my gaze.

"What is it Asher?"

"Will you be my wife Myla. I want you to walk side by side with me as the princess and than one day the king of Rome."

I drop my hands from his and look down over the edge of the cliff. I could jump and potentially spear myself on a branch or I can handle this.

Inhale, exhale Myla. You're an adult you can handle this. "Asher I like you, but it's too soon."

He takes my hands in his and I can sense that he's not going to be easily detoured. "It is too soon and with everything you went through I get it. My father had talked to your grandparents and they said that it's up to you."

I have a moment of revelation and then I stare at him in disgust. This can't be why I think it is. "Are you only trying to marry me, so that France can become into alliance with yours?"

He wouldn't snoop that low and make me feel as if he actually cared when he didn't. Would he? But he's a prince and he already said he had a duty to his people.

"That's what my father wants, but it's not what I want. I see no one but you in my future Myla," he grabs my chin gently and turns it up to him.

"No Asher, not now." He looks like he's considering flinging himself off the cliff. Instead he tucks his jacket under his arms and starts whistling. It's the last thing that I would do in this situation.

"I'm not going to give up Myla. You have feelings for me whether you want to admit it or not."

He jumps over the edge of the cliff and I run over to the edge staring down. Is he insane? I jump back as he shoots into the air. His big black wings seems to sparkle in the sunlight.

I'm hypnotized by their beauty and his. They flap so gentle it seems like he's floating in mid air. He looks at me one last time and then flies off in the direction of the castle.

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