Chapter 16

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I stretch my legs out underneath the cover and curl my toes. With my eyes still close I snuggle deeper underneath the soft covers.

I close my eyes and try to hold on to the fading images. I was dreaming and I can't remember what it was, I only remember the peace that it brought me.

The feeling fades quicker than I want and I'm left feeling empty. I could pretend I'm at home in my bed and that everything is normal. But soon I will have to face reality.

I sigh and open my eyes. I roll over and reach for my phone and my hand finds only empty space. I open my eyes and sit up.

I search on the pillow beside me and then underneath. Panicking I shake the covers. Where is it?

I pause for a moment and look at the door. The chair isn't against the door no longer and the balcony curtains is drawn back. Without out stopping to think things through, I pull on the borrowed pair of shorts.

There's no doubt in my mind that he came into my the room last night. I don't want to believe that he's taken my phone. But I know where I put it.

I nearly run into him when I make a sharp turn around the corner. I freeze up and back away.

He looks down at me with no smile. "Goodmorning."

"Where's my phone?" I demand, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I took it," he said. I turned away from him and clench my fist. This is so messed up. I have no way to get help if I need it or keep in touch with my no one.

"You have no right to take other peoples property."

He shrugs and continue to stare back at me. He doesn't give a rat ass that he's being a control freak. I still don't know him.

"I took your phone, for your safety. I don't want no one knowing where your at for a few days. I have some things to figure out."

   I stare at him, unable to process much of what he just said. One thing is clear he doesn't intend on letting me go. "You can't be serious. Everyone is going to wonder where I'm at."

  He shrugs again and looks away from me. He actually looks annoyed!

  "Does it matter? You're not going no where Myla."

  I'm startled that he called me by my first name for once and I'm pissed at how stubborn he is. I still barely know him and he's already trying to control me. My own boyfriend doesn't do that.

"Why are you doing this?"

   He looks at me, "your a hazard to everyone you care about at the moment. It wouldn't take but one slip up in the school for you to cause a public panic."

    He's worried about me exposing who I am to the world. Why wouldn't he be? I sucked the blood out of a man in brood daylight and anyone could have walked down that alley.

    Why I can't I call anyone and let them know I'm okay. Angel will flip out and Dexter will lose it. I don't know what my father will do? Eventually he will notice my absence.

  There's nothing else to do, so I do the last thing I can think of. I cry. I'm crying so hard my body begans to shake. For a moment the cold in my body recedes. I continue to cry over everything.

  I cry for my mother and for what I've become. I cry for Trixie and how she's no longer alive. I didn't like her but she didn't deserve to die. I cry for the man who I murdered, his blood still runs through my body, like a punishment.

   I cry for how much I crave blood and the feeling it gives me. No matter how much I drink I'm never completely content. The more I think the more I cry.

  I feel him pull me to him and hold while I cry. That little act of kindness in the midst of everything makes me cry even more. I can see the blurred world around through my watery eyes.

  When I calm down, I lay against his chest hiccuping. He doesn't let me go and I stay against him fighting to calm the hiccups. He's not as cold as me, strangely he has a nice warmth to him.

   I pull back from his hold and distance myself slightly from him. I'm embarrassed about how close we are and about being vulnerable in front of him. I wipe my eyes with his shirt.

  He looks at me and I can see his eyebrows tenses up. He stands and holds down a hand to me. I hesitate before I accept it and allow him to pull me to my feet.

  He doesn't strain with my weight and pulls me up like I weigh no more than a feather.

  His expression is unreadable and I start to become embarrassed in the uncomfortable silence.

  "Myla I'm sorry, I will explain everything later- to the best of my abilities."

  That's it. That's the kindest he's ever been and I simply nod. There's nothing else to do.

  What good will begging to go home do? It will earn me nothing. I have to think smart until I can figure everything out.

This chapter is shorter than the rest; how you feel about shorter stories? You made it this far, go ahead and hit that ⭐️ and show me some wattpad love.

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