Chapter 24

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The next three weeks go by in perfectly boring unison. I do the same thing daily and I'm starting to get deja vu multiple times a day.

Asher barely is able to spend five minutes with me. I shouldn't feel no type of way, we are not a thing. Still I know him more than anyone around.

I could try to find Orla. I'm unsure if she would even want to be my friend. I would be cautious too if I was her. I heard that Asher sister was here. I learned her name was Alessia and I'm yet to meet her.

I spend my time in the dance studio or the library reading. There's not much else to do. I don't have my phone and I doubt this place even has Wi-Fi.

The castle feels so medieval in away, though the have modernized parts of the castle. There is running water and they have central cooling and air. My bedroom has electricity and if I had my phone I would try to use it.

I miss Dexter and I feel terrible. I never got to say goodbye and he must think something bad happened to me. There is no doubt in my mind that I'm declared a missing person right now.

I dance my pain away and dance so much that I lose track of time. It's like I never get muscle fatigue. I soak it up and enjoy the feeling that it brings me. This one happiness is all I have at the moment. No one can take it away from me.

It's at this very moment that I'm practicing my old ballet routine, that I hear a noise behind me. I jump and swirl around.

Asher lounge upon a bench and is watching me. He has is head rested on his arm and he smiles when he notices me. I smile back. It seems oddly out of character for him and I kind of like it.

   The warm feeling returns and floods my belly but I push it away and walk over to him.

"How long you been here?" It couldn't have been to long. I should have heard him come in, I hear everything now.

"About thirty minutes," he says. He looks tired and I sit down on the far end of the sofa. "Why sit all the way over there?"

"I just want too." You make me feel uncomfortable and I think I'm starting to like you.

  The corners of his mouth quirks up and than deepens to a frown only for a second. He stands up and holds out a hand for me. I take it and as soon as I'm standing up he drops his hand.

"I thought I would take you to the garden," he said.

   "It's night time."

   Why now?  He had all day to show me.

  "The gardens are more beautiful at night and I think you will like it," he said. He leads the way out of the castle.

  This is my first time outside of the castle walls and I take a deep breath of the air. Can a vampire survive without oxygen?

   He leads the way up a group of stone steps and I'm mesmerized by the eerily beauty it holds.

   The moon looks larger tonight and every has a silver glow to it almost

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   The moon looks larger tonight and every has a silver glow to it almost. It's eerie how beautiful it is. The garden is full of nothing but white flowers and I find it breath taking.

  I love the way the green moss grow between the gray stones. This setting is so beautiful and I can't seem to understand why he choose to see this with me.

  "It's beautiful," I said. I delicately run my hand over the flowers and think about how wonder it would be to have grew up here. This is a place out of a fairytale land.

  There are fireflies flying around and I watch them mesmerized. I've never saw so many here at once.

"This is my favorite place out of the whole entire garden. Did you know I was the one to have this area designed," he said. We sat on a old wooden bench underneath some kind canopy.  "It's the best place to come for peace and to let loose."

   The way he says it makes it sound like it's very special to him. I'm touched that he shared something so sacred with me. "Thank you for showing me this."


  I watch her as she closes her eyes and turns her face towards the moonlight. She's breath taking and the way she carry's herself has me mesmerized.

  We are from two different life's and I know that even if I wanted too, I could never have her. I reach over and break a flower from a tree near by.

  This slight disturbance causes her to open her eyes. I reach over and gentle brush a curl out her face. I tuck the white flower behind her ear and smile.

"I think this color suits you."

   She looks at me questionably and seems confused by my action. I can see her trying to figure out where this sudden show of affection came from.  I don't even have the answer to that question.

  "I think I'm ready to go to bed," she stands abruptly and starts to walk back to the castle. I watch her go and I don't try to stop her.

As cold hearted as I am, this hurts my feelings more than it should. I won't to take back my action. I've never been rejected and this hurts.
  I hang my head for a moment and let out a deep sigh. Everyone thinks that I was drawn to her, because we're soul mates. Even if we are, we royals don't marry for soul mates. Power determines our decision.

  If I had the choice I wouldn't be a Royal and probably wouldn't even be a vampire.

I find it so hard to flow into the next characters povs. Am I the only writer who struggle with this? I can't be the only one. Make sure to hit that ⭐️ icon.

Show me that Wattapd Love❤️

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